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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION (FDIC) MINUTES <br /> MARCH b, 2007 <br /> Present: Renee Read, Robyn Simmons, Jim Wils, Marty Harper,Terrie Cook,Rick Dalton, <br /> Brian Kehrl (Mashpee Enterprise). <br /> Opened 4:00 p.m. <br /> The Committee reviewed"Suggested Actions for 2007" and selected their choices to work on. <br /> 1) Mashpee Industrial Park: Joe Noonan, Renee, Jim Wils <br /> It was suggested to eliminate collaborating with Stu Bornstein regarding his incubator facilities <br /> at the former Augat site. There is a data base in the assessor's office to work with. <br /> 2) Review Town owned Land for use by EDIC: Marty, Rene,Robyn, Rick Dalton <br /> The primary goal will be to bring this to Town Meeting to generate some capital for EDIC. <br /> Prepare a list of parcels best suited to EDIC for disposal/use. <br /> 3)Update the Mashpee Economic Development Plan: All members. <br /> 4)Develop an EDIC web site with current information for property owners/developers: This <br /> will be put on hold for now. <br /> 5) Town/Legislative Liaison_ Jim Wils offered. <br /> Include here to meet with EDIC's in Falmouth, Bourne, Sandwich regarding their development <br /> initiatives. Explore state funding, grants, loans, financing,tax breaks,job incentives, large <br /> projects, Industrial Building slots, etc. Falmouth received$200,000 this year. <br /> We will set up a working committee for each group and assign a name. Marty will establish a <br /> liaison with the Regional Technology Development Collaborative since he is a member who <br /> attends regularly. <br /> Some questions came up: Can EDIC own the land? Form a Corporation? Someone noted that <br /> Town Planner Tom Fudala was strongly pushing for sewage disposal land at an earlier meeting. <br /> NEXT MEETING: APRIL 10, 2007. Each member will prepare a report for this meeting, and <br /> Marty will work these comments into a final Action Plan. #4 and#5 will be on-going into the <br /> future. Please e-mail each other drafts and see where they fit into the Comprehensive Plan. We <br /> are on the Board of Selectmen's Agenda May 21'to present our list of accomplishments. <br /> The Minutes of December 5, 2006 were approved. <br /> Mary is orpe, Reco�gSecretary <br />