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�k <br /> 2) Two Objectives: What will the future look like and how will the Town-owned land fit in. <br /> Doug Storrs and Energy can possibly help us. We need to have developers come in and meet <br /> with us. <br /> The new CEO of the Regional Technical District Committee is Robert A. Curtis. How can we <br /> apply for that grant? <br /> In summary, Renee will contact RTDC, Doug Storrs, and Marty's wife in Falmouth. Joe <br /> Noonan will contact Cape Cod Health Care. Tom Mayo is a good contact for Energy. Renee <br /> and/or Bob Cobuzzi will try to find out if there is any hotel development being planned in New <br /> Seabury. <br /> NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY, AUGUST 7TH,4:00 P.M. <br /> Renee will write Richard Dalton asking him to resign. <br /> Meeting adjourned 4:45 p.m. <br /> y� <br /> Mary GIstAhorpe, Reco ing Secretary <br />