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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY 12, 2025 <br /> CONTINUED HEARINGS <br /> 24 Seconsett Point Road: Owners, Joshua and Nicole Delman request a <br /> Variance under §174-31 (Land Space Requirements), and §174-33 (Setback to <br /> wetlands) of the Zoning Bylaws to vary the lot coverage and setback to wetlands <br /> to allow for construction of a single-family residence on property located in an <br /> R-3 Zoning District, Map 124, Parcel 35, Mashpee, MA. (Continued from <br /> 11113124, 12/11/24, 1/8/25 at the request of the Attorney). <br /> Attorney Kirrane represented the homeowners for their Variance request. The <br /> property is a vacant lot that is almost entirely within the flood zone. The Attorney <br /> is seeking a variance from lot coverage, and setback to wetlands. His client <br /> bought this property back in 2020, and at that time the Town was reviewing the <br /> requirements under the old method of determining flood area that would not <br /> affect the lot area, or lot coverage, and would be considered a buildable lot. But <br /> since the Wading Place Road court case, a Variance is required for lot coverage <br /> and setback to wetlands. <br /> The lot is on Seconsett Island and located in the R-3 Zoning District which <br /> requires 40,000 sq. ft. of lot area, 150 ft. of frontage, 40 ft. from the front yard <br /> setback, and 15 ft. on the side and rear setback, 20% lot coverage, and 35 ft. <br /> building height, and a 50 ft. setback from wetlands. In this particular case there <br /> are three nonconformities. The lot is obviously on the water, and there is only <br /> 470 sq. ft. of upland because the lot is almost entirely in the flood zone. The <br /> setback to wetlands is zero; the frontage is also nonconforming at 94.46%. <br /> At the last meeting, there were four items the Board had to find that qualify for <br /> the variance request. The first is the unique features that justify the request. <br /> Attorney Kirrane stated that because the lot is within a flood zone, and there is <br /> an elevation issue, and is a hardship. Each abutting lot has been developed with <br /> single family residences which are also in a flood zone. There is also a substantial <br /> financial hardship when he purchased the property in 2020, and is paying taxes. <br /> The next item; does a variance cause a substantial detriment to the public good. <br /> This lot is located within a residential zone with existing residential structures <br /> on both sides of the street. The home will be building code compliant, flood zone <br /> compliant, and the project was approved by the Conservation Commission. An <br /> IA septic system is proposed and is consistent with the development in the <br /> neighborhood. The final criteria; it will not derogate from the intent of the bylaw. <br /> The proposal calls for a single family residence, as of right, and is located in a <br /> single family developed neighborhood. The total lot area is 20,721 sq. ft. If this <br /> lot was not within the flood zone criteria, there would be 19.8% of lot area and <br /> would meet the 20% requirement. There are no other variance requests other <br /> than lot coverage and setback to wetlands. <br /> 2 <br />