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MINUTES January 7, 1993 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Pesce informed Board members D.E.P. is requiring a <br /> protective radius of 230' from a leaching facility. "We can <br /> maintain 236' from the closest leaching facility. " Mr. Pesce <br /> presented revised plans to Board members and relayed the <br /> owner is now proposing a 200 seat capacity rather than the <br /> 300 seat originally proposed. "Revised plans now require a <br /> 2' variance from the foundation. " "We are proposing an <br /> 11,OOo gallon tank .rather' than the 16 ,000 gallon tank. " "The <br /> primary and reserve systems will be installed simulta- <br /> neously. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "there is an alternative to the <br /> variances which is to relocate the well" . <br /> Mr. Pesce responded, "relocating the well would affect <br /> the protective radius" . <br /> Ms. Cloutier informed Board members the section of the <br /> foundation which requires the variance is crawl space only. <br /> Mr. McQuaid'stated Title V regulations do not designate <br /> footage 'from "a slab foundation. '"I would recommend Board <br /> members approve septic plans as presented on revised plans <br /> pending receipt' of approval by D.E.P. : for the well as the <br /> public water supply for the restaurant. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve .revised plans for the up- <br /> grade to a Title1V system pending receipt of approval from <br /> { D:E.P. for the well as .the public water supply for the res- <br /> taurant known as "Cafe 13011 , Mr. Doherty seconded, all <br /> agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Edward Pesce - Quashnet Valley <br /> Mr. Pesce was in attendance for this scheduled appoint- <br /> ment. <br /> Mr. Pesce informed Board members he is present this <br /> evening to request variances from Title V regulations which <br /> require the installation of a 1500 gallon tank to a 1000 gal- <br /> lon tank and a variance from a 1000 gallon leach pit to a 600 <br /> gallon leach pit. "We are also requesting a local 48' vari- <br /> ance from the on-site well to the septic tank. " "The complex <br /> is proposing office space for use by the Association. " "No <br /> habitable space is proposed. " <br /> Mr. Evans recommended the owners place a restriction in <br /> the deed which ensures the unit will not be utilized as hab- <br /> itable space. <br />