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MINUTES January 21, 1993 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: Robert Cardillo - 194 Pimlico Pond Road <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cardillo, Sr. and Mr. Robert <br /> Cardillo, Jr. were in attendance for this scheduled appoint- <br /> ment. <br /> Mr. Greelish informed. the Cardillo's? "In September this <br /> Board forwarded a letter to you indicating we were aware of a <br /> problem with the existing leaching facility. " "In October we <br /> directed you to retain an engineer to design a plan to up- <br /> grade the system. " <br /> Mr. Cardillo, Jr. stated, "The system has been pumped <br /> out three times in one year. " "When the contractor was per- <br /> forming work on the property they were grading down with the <br /> dirt and the tanks were exposed. " "They found a broken pipe <br /> in between the tanks. " "My sisters, who own the property, <br /> told the contractor to fix the pipes. " "The pipe was re- <br /> placed. " <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Cardillo, Jr. as to who per- <br /> formed the work. <br /> Mr. Cardillo, Jr. responded, . "It was Mr. Ferguson. " <br /> Mr. Cardillo, Sr. , stated, "It was the guy who disap- <br /> peared, I can't remember. " <br /> Mr. Evans informed the Cardillo's the failure was based <br /> on pumping records. <br /> j Mr. Cardillo, Jr. stated, "We feel the system is ad-- <br /> equate. " "They only stay there two weeks a year. " <br /> I <br /> Mr. Cardillo, Sr. stated, "We feel you should send some- <br /> body down to inspect the leaching facility. " "We will allow <br /> somebody to dig them up. " <br /> Mr. Greelish reiterated Mr. Evans comment stating, "The <br /> leaching facility was declared in failure based on the pump- <br /> ing records. " "The agents have reviewed the plan and topog- <br /> raphy of the lot: " "There •was also a site investigation <br /> done. " "The systems don't meet the breakout calculations. " <br /> * "Even if the cesspools are not full, which we think they are, <br /> _you will be required to move them. " <br /> Mr. Cardillo, Jr. stated, "Nobody lives there until the <br /> summer"time. " "What if we find out then,, we have them pumped <br />