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MINUTES February 18, 1993 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> variance from abutting well, (House #322 Monomoscoy Rd. ) , to <br /> the on-site leaching facility, a 15' local variance from <br /> abutting well, (House #42 Russell Rd. ) , to the on­�site leach- <br /> ing facility and a 9' State sideline variance. " "The owners <br /> are proposing an addition to the existing dwelling. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 33' local variance from <br /> abutting well, (House #322 Monomoscoy Road, a 15' local vari- <br /> ance from abutting well , (House ,#42 Russell Road) , and a 9' <br /> State sideline variance as requested, Mr. Doherty seconded, <br /> all 'agreed. <br /> 6. ) - Letter from Weston & Sampson re: Comprehensive <br /> Compli-ance Plan - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Weston & Sampson are aware <br /> of the deadline date. " "They do intend to satisfy the town's <br /> requirements under current contract. " <br /> N r 4 1 <br /> • 7. )-+ Memo from Police Chief re: Lockup facilities - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "As per the Board's request I contacted the <br /> Police Chief to schedule a meeting. " "He suggested replying <br /> to the inspection report in writing to determine if the Board <br /> would find that sufficient. " "In my opinion the response is <br /> not quite sufficient. " <br /> Mr. Greelish directed Mr. McQuaid to request a meeting <br /> with the Police Chief. <br /> 8. ) Memo from Firechief re: Mash ee Village - Mr. Evans <br /> relayed, "No further inspections have taken place since this <br /> matter first came up. " "The Fire Department will be notified <br /> from this day forward. " <br /> Mr. Greelish stated, "The Selectmen will be reviewing <br /> whether any further action is necessary. " <br /> 9. ) 'Brewer Electric bid re: Recycling Center - Acknowl- <br /> edged. <br /> 10. ) Letter from Mr. Hinckley re: 36 whippoorwill circle - <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "The owner is proposing to install a Title <br /> V system on the lot and would like to begin work now with <br /> construction of the dwelling at a later date so that should <br /> any zoning changes take place during the interim he will be <br /> ensured buildability status. " <br /> Mr. Greelish directed Mr. McQuaid to inform the owner <br /> this Board cannot makes any assurances that once the well and <br /> leaching facility are installed the lot will remain buildable <br /> at a later date. "The owner may choose this method of secur- <br /> ing buildability status however, no guarantees can be made. " <br />