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I <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> December 16 , 1993 <br /> Meeting called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. <br /> Members present: John T. Doherty and Steven R. Ball <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. John T. Doherty, Chairman <br /> 1 . ) Warrants signed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Down Cape Engineering - 21 Taffrail Road <br /> Attorney Alexander Joyce, Mr. Al Roberti , P.E. and Mr. <br /> Jeff McDonald were in attendance for this scheduled hearing. <br /> - Mr. Roberti -presented -revised--plans--and- stated, - '!Revised - <br /> plans indicate a leaching facility 100' from the wetland <br /> area. " "We configurated a leaching field with a flow dif- <br /> fuser in the middle and figured out how much it could take <br /> based on figuring out for the triangular shape of it. " "We <br /> put a retaining wall against the property line. " "As you can <br /> see from the retaining wall details it will be 2" from the <br /> property line. " "That is the major change with the plan, the <br /> remainder pretty much stays the same. " "This would be in <br /> conjunction with the "Clivus Multrum" system previously pro- <br /> posed. " <br /> Mr. Bali questioned Mr. Roberti as to whether he con- <br /> sulted with the Building Inspector in regards to raising the <br /> system to get it out of the flood plain. <br /> Mr. Roberti responded, "I spoke with the Building In- <br /> spector about one month ago. " "He was not really to clear on <br /> what would happen in that case. " "It would be treated as a <br /> utility where you put in a box. " "We did design for this. " <br /> "We pretty much had it so the flood plain elevation is in the <br /> middle of where it is. " "Previously to this I spoke with a <br /> Clivus representative who mentioned that one of the reasons <br /> the Army Corp. uses the Clivus Multrum so much at public <br /> beaches is that if there is a flood it acts as a contained <br /> unit so that if it gets ripped up you would rather have a <br /> Clivus rather than a septic tank because it is so contained. " <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "Test hole four where the leach- <br /> ing facility is proposed indicates you are short of some un- <br /> acceptable material. " Mr. Doherty also questioned why the <br />