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MINUTES January 6 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated he will request Ms. Saunders atten- <br /> dance at the next regularly scheduled meeting date. <br /> 5. ) Subdivision plan "Holly Acres" - Mr. McQuaid relayed, <br /> "This is a 8 lot preliminary subdivision plan. " "The owner <br /> has agreed to tie into public water and M.D.C. drains will be <br /> installed on the roadway. " "I would recommend this Board <br /> forward comments to the Planning Board requesting they site <br /> the septic systems towards the roadside for easier mainte- <br /> nance. " <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve preliminary subdivision <br /> plans for the project entitled "Holly Acres" with the <br /> stipulation the Planning Board require all 8 leaching fa- <br /> cilities to be placed towards the roadside, Mr. Greelish sec- <br /> onded. <br /> 6. ) Septic upgrade - 71 Bluff Avenue - Mr. McQuaid relayed, <br /> "The owner has agreed to no increase in habitable space how- <br /> ever, due to his physical health he must have wheelchair ac- <br /> cessibility to his house. " "The proposed addition will en- <br /> large the entrance foyer. " "There is an existing 1000 gallon <br /> tank however, the cesspool has failed." - "The owner would <br /> like to replace the cesspool with a standard pit. " "A stan- <br /> dard 6' x 6' pit would fit on the property but due to the <br /> groundwater elevation 2/3 would be filled with stone. " "Due <br /> to financial hardship the owners are unable to install a <br /> trench system or diffuser's and would like their landscaping <br /> left as undisturbed as possible. " <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. McQuaid as to the chances of the <br /> system failing in five years. <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "Very good. " "I did recommend <br /> the engineer utilize infiltrator's as they could be carried <br /> onto the property. " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "I would recommend a full Title <br /> V system. " <br /> Mr. Greeelish directed Mr. McQuaid to inform the engi- <br /> neer this Board will require a full Title V system on the <br /> lot. " <br /> Mr. Ball agreed. <br /> 7 . ) Variance re guest - 67 Popponesset Island Road - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "This is a voluntary upgrade with no in- <br /> crease in habitable space. " "The existing cesspool is within <br /> 50' of the creek. " "They are proposing a Title V system <br /> which will be 88' from the top of the bank. " "The Conserva- <br />