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f y <br /> MINUTES February 3 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 4. ) Recycling figures 1992-1993 - Acknowledged. <br /> FOR DISCUSSION <br /> A. Horseshoebend/Tri-Town Circle water supply <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "At our meeting with Doug Carson <br /> and the IRP people on November 29 , 1993 I brought up the is- <br /> sue of Horseshoebend/Tri-Town Circle not being tied into town <br /> water. " "At the time Doug Carson asked me to forward to him <br /> a list and a map of those homes not tied into town water. " <br /> "I was contacted by Barnstable County people today saying <br /> they have received a call from the military who would like to <br /> contract them to do v.o.c. testing on those private wells <br /> that were not tied into town water. " "I informed Charlotte <br /> Steiffle and Stetson Hall that I had some reservations about <br /> that and would like to discuss it with the Board this <br /> evening. " "I then received a call from the military ques- <br /> tioning our concerns. " "I informed them our opinion is the <br /> military should consider tying these people in and if they do <br /> perform v.o.c. testing the results may show no contamination <br /> thereby creating a false hope that the plume may have <br /> passed-by. " "In speaking with Tom Nobel from IRP he relayed <br /> that they are still looking into tying those people in but <br /> Washington will first want a water test on the private <br /> wells. " <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Our concern is that the threat is <br /> there regardless of whether it is contaminated now or not. " <br /> Mr. Greelish commented, "A good v.o.c is misleading to <br /> the public and misleading to the people in Washington." III <br /> would recommend this Board forward a letter to Washington <br /> stating whether the results are positive or negative is to- <br /> tally irrelevant and may cause more harm then good. " "There <br /> is an identified pollution and should not even be considered <br /> in the determination. " "Somebody in Washington thinks v.o.c. <br /> testing does make a difference and clearly that person does <br /> not understand what is going on. " "Their lack of understand- <br /> ing has a potential health impact. " <br /> This matter was continued until later in the meeting <br /> when Mr. Ball is in attendance. <br /> B. 1991 Annual Town Meeting Articles <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Board members as to whether they <br /> would like to do away with the $100,000. 00 appropriation that <br /> passed at the 1991 Annual Town Meeting. "The Executive Sec- <br /> retary would like to rescind this appropriation as additional <br /> monies have been appropriated to complete the 201 . " <br />