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MINUTES November 3, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a 31' local variance from the proposed on-site leach <br /> Pit to the on-site existing well, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> I I SANTUIT POND ROAD - Mr. Cram motioned to grant a 40' local variance from the <br /> proposed on-site leach pit to abutting well (#12 Santuit Pond Rd.) and a 30' local variance <br /> from the existing on-site well to the proposed leach pit, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 7 DEER RIDGE ROAD - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The Board rejected plans at last <br /> week's meeting as the variance relief sought was not properly delineated on plans." "The <br /> engineer has submitted revised plans which now indicate distances from abutting wells." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant the following variances: a 30' local variance from <br /> abutting well, (#11 Deer Ridge Rd.) to the proposed on-site leaching facility, a 25' local <br /> variance from abutting well, (#64 Edgewater Road), to the proposed on-site leaching <br /> facility, a 30' local variance to abutting well, (474 Edgewater Road), to the proposed on- <br /> site leaching facility, a 35' local variance from abutting well, (#4 Deer Ridge Road), to the <br /> proposed on-site leaching facility, a 30' local variance from abutting well, (#10 Deer <br /> Ridge Road), to the proposed on-site leaching facility and a 33' local variance from the <br /> proposed on-site well to the proposed on-site leaching facility, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 118 WADING PLACE ROAD - Mr. Cram stated, "I spoke with the engineer today who <br /> relayed he was unable to install a 1500 gallon tank in the front part of the lot." "Due to <br /> lot constraints the owner would like to install a polyethylene 1000 gallon septic tank which <br /> would be utilized solely for the laundry and downstairs bathroom." "The existing tank <br /> would be utilized for remaining household uses." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I would recommend we require the owner to provide a affidavit <br /> which states they will utilize the 1000 polyethylene tank solely for the laundry and <br /> downstairs bathroom." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend approval " "This is a certified failure." <br /> "Considering the size of the lot the proposal is the most feasible." <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "The Conservation Commission will be issuing a emergency <br /> "Order of Conditions'." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, A will request the Conservation Commission include as part <br /> of the "Order of Conditions" that the 1000 polyethylene tank be utilized solely for the <br /> laundry and the downstairs bathroom.." <br />