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MINUTES January 19, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Fudala had inserted the phrase, to take into consideration an increase in sea level rise of <br /> I'." "That met with heavy opposition among committee members and it was stricken <br /> from all of the paragraphs." "We do need to forward a memo to the town clerk informing <br /> her of my status as a committee member." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 8.) Request for perc extension, 18 Uncle Henry's Road - Mr. Evans relayed, "The <br /> owner is requesting a 6 month perc extension." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a six month perc extension from date of expiration, <br /> Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 9.) Board of Health recognition day,2/l/95 - Acknowledged. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Ron Gangemi - Landfill Incident <br /> Mr, Ronald Gangemi, Attorney Alec Watt and Mr. S. J. DiMaggio were in <br /> attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "Mr. Doherty will be stepping down from any decision but I <br /> reserve the right to question Mr. Doherty on certain matters as he is the oldest member of <br /> the Board and is more familiar with the Transfer Station than either Mr. Cram or myself." <br /> "If there are any questions Mr. Gangemi or Mr. Watt would like to ask Mr. Doherty they <br /> must be directed through me." <br /> Mr. Gangemi stated, "I had a demolition job in New Seabury, bringing demolition <br /> in, (referencing the landfill) and I talked to the kid." "We agreed on basically 10 yard <br /> loads." "Some were a little larger so some were 12." "When I was finished I went in <br /> there and Joe told him to charge me $14.00 a yard per load." "I disagreed with it so I <br /> went down and talked to Joe Saturday." "He started shouting at me and said pay me what <br /> you want but don't come back to the dump, your out of there." "Since then I haven't <br /> been back and I'm trying to find out why he did throw me out." "What's going on." "It's <br /> not as though he can throw me out of the town dump and why the price went up from 10 <br /> yards to 14 when he wasn't even around and all the legal aspects of it - where's all the <br /> demolition." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "The person you talked to up there that said you would be <br /> charged 10 yard loads, who was that?" <br />