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MINUTES January 19, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> for Ron.." "He said, well he's brought in about 8 loads of demo and 5 loads of brush." "I <br /> said that isn't what I asked you, I said where are the slips?" "I said because he has to get <br /> a slip for every truck that comes in, the truck has to be stopped, it has to have a slip and <br /> you have to have it signed." "This is where the argument came in." "If I saw a slip early I <br /> would have known he was being charged 10 yards." "His 10 wheeler is not 10 yards there <br /> isn't a 10 wheeler that's only 10 yards." "I own a 10 wheeler, my truck is not twice the <br /> size of his and I have a 20 yarder." - "My truck is bigger than his but it is certainly not <br /> twice the size." "When they get really large they put a tag on and I don't have a tag." <br /> "So, I felt that Ronny was trying to get away with something by saying 10 yards when <br /> normally their 12, 14 yards." "If Ronny had said 12 yards in the beginning there would <br /> have been no argument." "But to carry 10 yards on a 10 wheeler it has to be extremely <br /> low." "Now demolition, Ronny does a good job, in fact he pounds it in there and gets as <br /> much as he can for his money." "You can't be nickel and diming people when you're <br /> bringing in 8 to 10 loads your talking 20 yards, your talking $300.00 if it was 2 yards." <br /> "I'm not saying - some of those loads were more then 12 yards, I'm not saying he didn't <br /> bring in a couple of short loads, I wasn't there I can't tell you that but when you're telling <br /> me you're going to average 10 yards you're trying to make a fool of me." "When he <br /> comes in with his truck loaded with brush, it's skyrocketed, we don't charge him any <br /> extra." "One time he had a stroke because I told him he was carrying to much on the <br /> truck, it was way over and I was going to charge him extra, we didn't talk for a year." "I <br /> said to Ronny when you bring in your truck overloaded I don't charge you any extra." <br /> j "You know what he said to me?, well that's the way it should be." "That's not the way it <br /> should be." "A truck loaded is loaded level, that fine, I have no problem with that." "I <br /> have no problem with - the thing is don't tell me after S, 13 loads, tell me on the first <br /> load." "Ronny should have came to me instead of Irving and said, listen this is what I'm <br /> doing and this is what I want to pay, then we would have squared it away." "When the <br /> job is done and I haven't seen any - I came in and there was one load sitting on the ground <br /> that certainly was 14 yards." "He must have came when he had packed one down." "27 <br /> cubic feet is a yard." "I would be glad to measure his body and be glad to go over things <br /> normally but not in the end, come to me in the beginning." <br /> Mr. Gangemi stated, "That's why I called you in the morning." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Gangemi, "Did Irving also charge you a couple loads for <br /> 12 yards or did he just give you a straight 10 yard no matter what?" <br /> Mr. Gangemi responded, "He said 10, then when he came back and said Joe's <br /> charging for 14, I said, well that's crazy, I'm not paying 14, 1 said, maybe it's not 10 but <br /> I'll go for 8 to 12 yards." "That's when I went down and talked to Joe and he just hit the <br /> roof" <br />