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MINUTES February 28, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> strictly in feasibility stages." "The D.E.P. representative stated reuse, recycle and landfill <br /> have priority in that order so if there were any type of recyclable reuse of these products <br /> then D.E.P. would favor that over the landfill." "As of yet, there are none that are <br /> commercially feasible." "D.E.P. also stated there were funds available and that they were <br /> going to do a very short term study, maybe two or three months specifically, to address <br /> the needs of the fifteen Cape towns in regards to disposal of the bulky wastes and the <br /> construction and demolition material." "The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to. <br /> advise the County Commissioner's who were not there on solid waste issues and topics." <br /> "They have no power or authority to do anything." <br /> 10.) Variance request, 62 Riverside Road - A4r. Evans relayed, "The owner is <br /> requesting a 50' local variance from the on-site leaching facility to abutting well, (#7 <br /> Clamshell Lane)." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a 50' local variance from the proposed on-site <br /> leaching facility to abutting well, (#7 Clamshell Lane), with the stipulation the applicant <br /> provides verification that'the house is tied into public water, Mr. Cram seconded, all <br /> agreed. <br /> 11.) Emergency Certification, 17 Jonas Drive - Mr. Evans relayed, "I inspected the site <br /> and found the leach pit full." <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification" form. <br /> 12.) Letter from Ms. Haynes re: Complaint to investigate food substance - <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> APPOINTMENT - Jim Polloquin, A.W.S. - Recycling Proposal <br /> Mr. Jim Polloquin and Mr. John Decker were in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Mr. Decker stated, "We would like to submit a proposal for newspaper disposal." <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "Due to the "Uniform Procurement Act" we are not required <br /> to solicit bids for recyclables." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "Why don't they submit a proposal for all the recyclables." <br /> "If I recall, specifications were already prepared." <br /> Mr. Dexter explained recycling procedures at their facility. <br />