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03/02/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
03/02/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES March 2, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Taylor stated, "He has been unable to make the meetings but he has been <br /> getting the information." "Most of the meetings are during the day and his schedule does <br /> not permit much time for him to be away during that time." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "If that continues to be the case then I think someone from <br /> our Board should step in on the other hand I would like to publicly commend Mr. Taylor <br /> for his involvement and keeping us informed." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "There was a major question of D.E.P. when we first <br /> started talking about this was that the long term maintenance of the plant, should anything <br /> drastic happen in the management of the base, at that time they were talking base closure, <br /> has that been settled yet?" <br /> Mr. Taylor replied, "It hasn't been settled." "At the present time the base has staff <br /> for their clean water and septage operations." "It is the same group of people who run <br /> both." "We had discussed with them having someone come in, an operations manager, a <br /> company that does it full-time and do it that way." "In our agreement with the two town <br /> and the Military I am not sure that will be in the first step that we'll have manager on <br /> Board but we will need to be discussing with them how, their operators have all been <br /> upgraded to Grad V so their capable of running the facility." "It is a 300,000 gallon per <br /> day facility of which they are now treating about 125,000 to 150,000." <br /> i <br /> Mr. Cram volunteered to participate in the meetings. <br /> Mr. Ball requested Mr. Taylor return to the Board, once the April 5th meeting has <br /> taken place, to inform the Board of the decision regarding tipping fees. <br /> Mr. Taylor agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT - Paul Lebel - 22 Great River Road <br /> Mr. Paul Lebel was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Lebel relayed, "I am the brother to James Lebel the applicant for a variance on <br /> an upgrade of a septic system." "The existing leaching facility consists of a septic tank, in <br /> close proximity to his house and two leach pits which are fairly close to the water." "My <br /> brother would like to upgrade the existing system." "He is using a gravity flow system out <br /> of the existing septic tank into a pump and lifting it into flow diffusers." "The bottom of <br /> the leaching is 4' above the water level." "The leaching setbacks are all in compliance <br />
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