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03/30/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
03/30/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES March 30, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> ago." "Everyone seems to be satisfied." "We have not received one complaint and that is <br /> how we felt we would monitor this regulation." "The regulation that we have is subject to <br /> change and there will be changes as the need is shown." "Our Board has basically <br /> followed everything we have done and have approved of it." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "We would like to hear from Mr. Mitrokostas, who is representing <br /> the restaurant owners." <br /> Mr. Mitrokostas stated, "Approximately 1 1/2 years ago we, local restaurant <br /> owners and business people, met with Bill Zammer at the Popponesset Inn to discuss the <br /> smoking policy which we foresaw as coming to a head." "We decided, through the help <br /> of Orin Evans and the Board of Health that we come up with the best case scenario that <br /> we believe for the town." "We received input from the town and local operators and sat <br /> down to write our opinions." "I spoke on behalf of the restaurant owners to the Board of <br /> Health and through Mr. Evans and myself came up with a policy which seems to be very <br /> good." "We have not received any complaints." "We feel the regulation took into <br /> account the best interests of our customers." "As restaurant managers and owners we <br /> know what our customers would like." "Yes, there are concerns and yes, there are <br /> medical reports, yes, there will be unhappy people but as restaurant owners we know we <br /> cannot please everyone." "If we can please 80% or 90% of the people then we feel we are <br /> doing our job very well." "We haven't had a single complaint which that alone testifies to <br /> the fact that our regulation has been very effective and the implementation has carried <br /> through with the local operators." "Now, there is public pressure for non-smoking." "I <br /> personally am involved in four types of restaurants." "Two are non-smoking, one is take- <br /> out and one has inside and outside dining rooms." "I think through the health department <br /> and hard work of the town I think it is a very good policy." "To change it, would go <br /> against my fathers best belief- "If it's not broken don't fix it"." <br /> Mr. Bryne stated, "I have been in this town for 21 years." "I have never had <br /> complaints by town officials." "I feel as though these regulations are very <br /> accommodating." "I have made some changes to accommodate the regulation." "The <br /> dining room is kind of abstracted from the rest of the restaurant." "One of the big <br /> objections I have is that these people from the Tobacco Control Program talk about <br /> restaurants and they don't define that there are all kinds of restaurants." "We are all as <br /> different as our fingerprints and the configuration of the room is a major factor in <br /> eliminating smoke." "I'm not here to attack them." "The reason I am adversarial with <br /> them is because they are 100% no-smoking which puts me out of the arena of compromise <br /> and makes me adversarial." "All on our own we have decided to move the entrance from <br /> the restaurant to the dining room and we will have a triage desk which was $10,000.00 or <br /> $20,000.00." "Eighteen years ago I quit <br />
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