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MASHPEE PLANNINO BOARD MEETING <br /> Wednesday, September 21 , 1988 <br /> Planning Board Members Pre5e not: Louise Behrman , Scott McAskill , Tony <br /> Ferragamo, Richardson Jonas, Judy Mills <br /> Also present ; Town Planner Tom Fudala <br /> 6:30 <br /> 2jscuss <br /> ALKI <br /> Discussion of letter from Nathan Ellis to Mr,, regarding <br /> proposed Plann i ng Board regulations/Mashpoe Water District request, <br /> -Judy stopped down at this time since she is a Water Commisssioner , <br /> -Nathan mentioned that this water distribution system proposal is <br /> similar to the one Falmouth now uses. <br /> -Tony asked what kind of cost estimate would be associated with this H <br /> it became a subdivision regulation? <br /> -Nathan commented about a Guarantee system and that most subdivisions ill <br /> Falmouth put in a water system. <br /> -Tony was concerned about the cost of $40/it adding up to $6,00048,00(W <br /> per I rat . <br /> Vouise asked how much the lots cost? <br /> -Tony answered $80,000 lots <br /> Vouise said it is an asset to the lot to have that potential . It is <br /> not an asset if it doesn" t get used. <br /> -Nathan mentioned that there is a problem with trying to keep the, <br /> district tax down. It is proposed now to be 95 cents per $1000 of <br /> valuation . Requiring developers to install water mains in their <br /> projects would help bring down cost to district taxpayers, Some people <br /> without water Tar awhile may be hard pressed why they have to pay tax . <br /> The water department is a successful and profitable operation in <br /> Falmouth because of such requirements and could be in Ma ail pee, too�w <br /> -Tony commented that he is concerned about the cost to subdivisions; <br /> "Where do you draw the lines on where you bring piping in?'' <br /> -Nathan answered that Falmouth originally required any development <br /> within 2000 feet of a water main to hook in , but now requires lines to <br /> be placed in all subdivisions since water is in most parts a the town. <br /> Went on to mention Deer Crossing where people are providing water to <br /> stores in front with their well and they don" t own the stores. <br /> Falmouth started with 2000 feet and raised it fairly soon. It is an <br />