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01/29/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
01/29/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES January 29, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> close proximity to the wetlands." "I recommended Mr. Smith attend an upcoming Board <br /> meeting to discuss the matter on a preliminary basis only." "The recent implementation of <br /> the "River's Act" may affect the buildability status of the lot however, that is a <br /> Conservation Commission matter." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, `Back in 1993 Mr. Smith came before us and because of the <br /> wetlands he was looking into buying the lot across the road to install a subsurface leaching <br /> facility." <br /> Mr. Smith stated, "That proposal never happened." "What I did two years ago <br /> was propose a garage on the property." "In learning of the Clivus Multrum I decided that <br /> I would propose a house instead of a garage with basically the same layout." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "Engineering plans indicate that the gray water would be <br /> approximately 80' from the mean high water line." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "In 1986 the lot was perked and groundwater was <br /> encountered at 44"." "In 1992 it was reperked and groundwater was encountered at <br /> 3.8"." "It's consistently 44" to groundwater." "This would definitely require a variance <br /> from our regulation of 4' of naturally occurring permeable soil between the bottom of the <br /> leaching facility and groundwater." "Mr. Smith is willing to put in an alternative Clivus <br /> Multrum system for the black water and a leach field for the gray water." "Title V allows <br /> us to go down 2.6' above groundwater for gray water." <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "When I witnessed the perk there was a reasonable amount of <br /> topsoil and subsoil down to 2' then groundwater at 3.8"with wet sand above that." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend to the Board, before Mr. Smith spends <br /> any more money, to do another perk test with an engineer present in the front corner of <br /> the lot and actually do an entire perk test because if it's top and sub with wet sand and <br /> then groundwater at 3.8' it may not even perk at 2'." <br /> W. Doherty stated, "If this proposal is presented to us formally with engineered <br /> plans and a perk test I would look favorably upon the installation of Clivus Multrum <br /> system as long as you can maintain 2.6'." <br /> APPOINTMENT: Bob Collette - Tobacco Control Program <br /> Mr. Collette was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br />
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