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i <br /> MINUTES January 29, 1998 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> Boa contamination <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I received a call from Mike Minior this afternoon." "They <br /> have been trying to define the source of the contamination to the cranberry bog." "They <br /> have gone upward trying to find the source area of that plume." "Two individuals have <br /> bought lots on Ashumet Road and Mike Minor's crew from Jacobs Engineering had gone <br /> off base into Mashpee property to try and delineate the width of the plume." "They have <br /> now come up as far as Ashumet Road." "Jacobs Engineering encountered one well that <br /> had been drilled for one of those two lots." "Mr. Minior indicated that we should be <br /> concerned about this because there may possibly be pollution under those properties on <br /> Ashumet Road." <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "I think it would be a good idea to test the wells at Oak Hollow <br /> Condominiums." "If anything is found it would probably be in those wells also." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "That's no necessarily true, those wells are located <br /> further down." "Mr. Minor had no suggestions,-he was just informing us that he has <br /> tested that far." "My suggestions to the Board is that we notify the one property owner <br /> who has already drilled a well that there is a potential problem and that he should wait <br /> further construction until Jacob's report is released." "Well testing started on the 25t' of <br /> February and will be completed on March 11`h." "The report is due in July." "The well <br /> sample came up fine because it is a shallow well." "If there is contamination it's probably <br /> deeper unless it is the source area then it would be shallow." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I agree with Mr. McQuaid's suggestion to notify the property of <br /> a potential problem." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, `We could also request him to do a V.O.C. test on his well <br /> water and sign a waiver of responsibility from the town as we used to do in Briarwood." <br /> I. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to direct the agent to notify the property owner that there is a <br /> threat of possible groundwater contamination in or around his lot and will be required to <br /> have a volatile organic compound analysis from his on-site well with satisfactory results <br /> prior to the issuance of any building permits, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned, "When the last round of v.o.c tests done at Oak Hollow <br /> Condominium?" <br />