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MINUTES February 5, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> supply and groundwater's in general." "We are requesting the adoption of either a floor <br /> drain regulation in the Board of Health regulations or a town by-law." "This issue is <br /> important to us because we are also under substantial pressure from the Department of <br /> Environmental Protection." "They are holding this over our head as far as the permitting <br /> of the Megansor/Turner Road well site." "Part of the permitting process will be the <br /> town's adoption of a floor drain regulation." <br /> Mr. McQuaid requested Mr. Rich to summarize the regulation for Board members. <br /> Mr. Rich stated, "What the regulation asks is that there will not be any floor drains <br /> installed in buildings that are located within any of the water resource protection districts <br /> within the town of Mashpee." "It also outlines steps that the owner would have take for <br /> existing floor drains such as piping them into tight tanks, plugging the floor drains and a <br /> number of other options." "The first issue would be the establishment of the regulation to <br /> the point of not allowing any additional flow in water resource protection districts which <br /> are, obviously, areas that contribute to the public water district." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "We went through this floor drain issue about 4 years <br /> ago with gasoline stations and to the best of my knowledge non of them in town now have <br /> floor drains, they have been plugged or capped." "Do you know any existing businesses <br /> that might have floor drains and be affected?" <br /> Mr. Rich responded, "No I don't, but I think floor drains whether they are in a <br /> water resource protection district or not are bad because we don't know what people are <br /> going to dispose of down those drains." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to direct the agent to prepare a floor drain regulation for <br /> review at next week's meeting, Mr. Cram seconded. <br /> Barbara Davis case <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "As Mr. Rich is in attendance I would like to move this item <br /> up in the agenda for discussion." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The judgment came back in the plaintiffs favor and we <br /> would like to know if the Water District will assume that fine or that they think that it's <br /> the town's responsibility." "I've since talked to George Heufelder from Barnstable <br /> County Health Department who was very much involved in the potential contamination <br />