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MINUTES February 5, 1998 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> out to the site and found additional debris." "I cited the individual however, it turns out <br /> his truck was stolen and it was verified by the Mashpee Police Department that it was <br /> stolen and totaled." "I took it upon myself to rescind the citation." "The amount dumped <br /> is adjacent to a more significant pile that we fined a person from Falmouth on however, <br /> the judge only made him pay the fine not clean up the area." <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> LF4 Update <br /> Mr_ McQuaid stated, "Town Counsel is very concerned about the town of <br /> Mashpee even entering the property to start cleaning it up because that may make the <br /> town be considered as the operator of the landfill_" "In speaking with Town Counsel's <br /> John Giorgio and Robert Whritenour it was agreed that we meet with the D.E.P. and Jim <br /> Snyder from the I.R.P. to discuss exactly where the liability falls in this cleanup process." <br /> "That meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. at the D.E.P. office in <br /> Lakeville." <br /> Acknowledged_ <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Conservation Commission decision re: 11 Taff-rail Wa <br /> "The owner is proposing to construct a garage with office <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, p p $ g g <br /> space." "The Conservation Commission is requesting the owner install a denitrification <br /> system." "The septic system was installed in 1987 and was designed for a three bedroom <br /> house." "Total daily leaching capacity is for 440 gallons per day which makes the existing <br /> system adequate for the proposed office space above the garage." "I will notify them <br /> accordingly." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> Being no further business Mr. Cram motioned to adjourn this meeting at 8:56 p.m., Mr. <br /> Doherty seconded. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> V onica Mayer, Adm. Asst. <br />