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02/19/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
02/19/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES February 19, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> that haven't been paved or if they're just outside the layout." "Clearly, they are going to <br /> find them and undercover them all." "The last time we went around with this process I <br /> was looking for 50 occupancies." "The last time I met with this Board in reference to <br /> Southport I provided this Board with a bond in case the pumping of the tank out there <br /> was not done properly or there was a problem." "That bond is still in existence." "I'm <br /> not looking for occupancies tonight, I just want you to see that that bond is still in <br /> existence with the town and is actually $500.00 more than the last time we met because it <br /> has been six years." "I just want to let you know that it is still out there in existence, <br /> never been drawn on and there has never been a problem out there from the tanks <br /> overflowing or anything like that." "I am also providing to the Board a copy of the <br /> agreement with Canco who will be performing the pumping." "I am present this evening <br /> just to update the Board so I can go back to the Building Inspector and inform him I have <br /> met with you and would like get my building permits." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Bonvie, "When do you think you will begin requesting <br /> occupancy permits?" <br /> Mr. Bonvie responded, "In probably three or four months." "Prior to that I will be <br /> coming back to discuss with this Board your requirements." "The treatment plant should <br /> be complete approximately two or three months after we get the first occupancy however, <br /> we will not be able to begin operations due to the low flow." <br /> Mr. Ball requested Mr. Bonvie to contact a health agent, prior to occupancy of the <br /> sales trailer, for an inspection. <br /> Mr. Bonvie agreed. <br /> 3.) Variance requests - 21 Attaquin Street 68 Ca a Avenue and 68 West Wa <br /> 21 Attaquin Street - Mr. Evans relayed, "This is a pre-approved subdivision." "The <br /> applicant is requesting a 38' local variance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to <br /> abutting well (#15 Attaquin Street), a 50' local variance from the proposed on-site <br /> leaching facility to abutting well (#5 Autumn Drive) nd a 46' local variance from the <br /> proposed on-site leaching facility to the proposed on-site well." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant the variances as stated by Mr. Evans, Mr. Bali <br /> seconded. <br />
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