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MINUTES March 5, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 6.) F.Y. `98 Human Services Committee budget proposal - Mr. Evans relayed, "The <br /> Board must approve the budget as prepared by the Human Services Committee." "Funds <br /> have been moved around however, a level funded budget is requested." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to accept the level funded budget proposal for F.Y. '98 as <br /> submitted by the Human Services Committee, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 7.) Copy of letter from Willowbend to D.E.P. re: Meeting Notification - <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 8.) May Town Meeting Article .S. Comm.), Bd. approval require - Mr. Ball <br /> stated, "I spoke with Mr. McQuaid who recommended the Board approve the article as <br /> prepared." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I am not against the concept, I am just questioning if this is the <br /> year to try to do this." "They have requested each department to level fund and there are <br /> going to be tax increases already." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "In my opinion, we should support the article however, I think the <br /> Board should not submit the article." "I would be willing to submit it on behalf of the <br /> Human Services Committee." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to submit the article with revisions for placement on the May <br /> Annual Town Meeting Warrant on behalf of the Human Services Committee, Mr. Doherty <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> *****OLD BUSINESS***** <br /> Update of LF4 site <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Mr. McQuaid and I met out at the site Monday morning with <br /> the Assistant Deputy Superintendent from the Sheriffs department who reaffirmed that <br /> we could have inmate labor free of charge." "There would be no detail officer involved <br /> because the community services crew already have officers permanently assigned to that." <br /> "We will be allowed between six and eight inmates to provide physical labor however, if <br /> they require any special or protective clothing the town would have to provide that at the <br /> towns cost." "They are not allowed to wear steel-toed shoes." "We can have the inmates <br /> for three weeks." <br />