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03/19/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
03/19/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES March 25, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I did speak with Mr_ DiMaggio earlier in the week and <br /> explained to him why he was requested to appear before the Board." "Mr. DiMaggio <br /> expressed a few things to me that we not of my knowledge last week." <br /> Mr. DiMaggio stated, "I still am unsure as to why I am here exactly." "I was out <br /> of town the week one of my employees installed a well." "When I came back and found a <br /> well was put in when I wasn't here and I inquired as to who got the permits, because Pm <br /> not the only well driller who could have pulled the permit, my father could have, I <br /> assumed that was what was done." "When I found out it wasn't done that's when I found <br /> out the Board requested my attendance." "I came in here to pay for the permit." "It was <br /> a mistake, I wasn't in town." "I came in to pay for the permit because it wasn't paid for." <br /> "Somehow the owner got the rest of his permits so I figured it wasn't a huge deal." <br /> "From what I understand the owner was very adamant while I was gone." "He came to <br /> the shop four or five times and kept bugging my workers." "I don't see why a letter has <br /> to go to the State when I wasn't even here." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "During the conversation we had this week where I requested <br /> you come before the Board, I mentioned to you that we were informed at the Board <br /> meeting that there were numerous times that this type of occurrence had happened and <br /> you were questioning it." <br /> Mr. DiMaggio stated, "That's correct, I am questioning that." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "Is that information available that we can verify it?" <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "As far as I am concerned Mr. DiMaggio received his well driller's <br /> license several months ago and whatever happened in the past is over." "He starts with <br /> clean slate." "This incident here was a misunderstanding." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "That is why I requested Mr. DiMaggio's attendance at this <br /> meeting." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "Prior to Michael DiMaggio being licensed as a well driller <br /> we did have more then a handful of instances where wells were being drilled without a <br /> permit." "Now that he is licensed, I personally don't accept the fact that because he was <br /> out of town and his crew went in and put a well in without a permit leaves him off the <br /> hook." `"That is his company." "They should know that they can't put in a well without a <br /> well permit however, this is his first infraction on his new registration with the State as a <br /> well driller." <br />
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