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03/26/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
03/26/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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r <br /> MINUTES March 26, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, `Back in mid February we received at least three phones <br /> calls about trash being dumped on Noisy Hole Road." "I went out to the site and <br /> discovered a least a half dozen 30 gallon trash bags of which some were broken open <br /> some were not." "On both sides of Noisy Hole Road between the tarred portion of <br /> Sarakumitt Village and Route 28 there is a dirt portion and in going through the trash I <br /> picked up at least a dozen items in these trash bags with Mr. Williams name on them." <br /> "This was obviously, purposefully, dumped and therefore I immediately cited Mr. Williams <br /> in the amount of$300.00 and required him to pick up the illegally dumped material and to <br /> pay the fine within 21 days." "Subsequent to this we received at least two more phone <br /> calls about this dump site." "I immediately contacted the D.P.W. and had them pick it up <br /> because it was so apparent and so nasty that we wanted it picked up right away." "Since <br /> then I received a call from Mr. Doherty who knows Mr. Williams and he informed me Mr. <br /> Williams would be in touch with me when he returns from his trip." "I did receive a call <br /> from Mr. Williams and I requested he appear at tonight's meeting." <br /> Mr. Williams stated, "I am an airline pilot and have my travel logs with me this <br /> evening." "The travel log states that on those dates I was in Oklahoma City and from <br /> there I went to Fort Worth, Texas." "'I have lived in Mashpee for twenty-four years and <br /> never at any one time have I had thirty bags of trash_" "We have a problem with a <br /> teenager in the neighborhood." "His father gives him beer, etc.." "My son, feels this <br /> teenager took some beer from my home." "Whether this boy did it for revenge, I don't <br /> know, I wasn't here." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The Board has rescinded citations based on extenuating <br /> circumstances however,the trash does belong to the Williams'." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "The question remains as to who did it." "It's quite apparent <br /> Mr. Williams was not here when this occurred." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to rescind the citation issued to Ronald Williams, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> 3.) Aug at Update - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Frigon and a representative from <br /> Award Environmental came by the office 'as a courtesy to explain their proposed <br /> monitoring of the Shoestring Bay area." "They are of the opinion the plume will not affect <br /> any of the homes in that area." <br /> 4.) Letter from W & S re: Landfill closure cost schedule - Mr. McQuaid stated, "As <br /> we are approaching closure time of our landfill the Executive Secretary and the Tax <br /> i <br />
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