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MINUTES August 13, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "A variance by its very nature is an exception to the normal <br /> rules and you usually ask for that exception when you can't comply with the normal <br /> rules_" "The normal rules set a standard of performance that we believe causes the least <br /> amount of harm." "If you can't met that that indicates then that your system versus a <br /> system that doesn't need a variance is going to perform at a lower level." "In order for us <br /> to allow that the applicant needs to make some sort of a concession." "Your asking us for <br /> a lower level of environmental protection, I'm asking you for a lower level of pollution <br /> that's the trade-off." <br /> Attorney Oppenheim stated, "We would be willing to have a limitation to the <br /> existing structure and the existing number of bedrooms such as a condition on the permit <br /> for some sort of testing protocol to see if the system is producing effluent as a straight <br /> Title V." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "When you talk about testing protocols, lab expenses, <br /> attorney's and engineers it would probably be cheaper to put a denitrification unit in." <br /> Mr. Silvia stated, "In order to redesign the plans it would involve a pump <br /> chamber." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I've heard people say they will restrict the number of <br /> bedrooms but it is an unrealistic type of situation for us to enforce." "This Board is not <br /> going to take the responsibility that only 6.5 gallons an hour are flushed." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, `"This is a failed system, the cesspool is very close to the <br /> marsh." "Only due to D.E.P. requirements they're proposing a Title V system that meets <br /> Title V to maximum feasible compliance." "In this instance we're talking about an old, <br /> old cabin with two bedrooms and an elderly lady-trying to sell it." "They're upgrading <br /> from a cesspool that's close to the marsh to a Title V system." "The Board wouldn't be <br /> inconsistent in granting the variance." "A denitrification unit for seasonal use doesn't <br /> make sense." "You could request the applicant file with the registry of deeds a restriction <br /> on keeping it a two bedroom seasonal home." <br /> Attorney Oppenheim stated, "If we could agree to a protocol where we provide <br /> results showing how we're affecting the groundwater here and if we were adversely <br /> affecting the groundwater then we would be required to upgrade the Title V system to a <br /> denitrification system." "I don't think the use of this property is going to be intense <br /> enough to affect Great River with a Title V system." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I would like to see the installation of a denitrification unit." <br /> i <br />