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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> December 3, 1998 <br /> Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Members present: Robert F. Cram, Sr., Steven R. Bali and John T. Doherty <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. Robert F. Cram, Sr., Chairman <br /> I <br /> 1.) Warrants signed. <br /> 2.) Mr. Ball motioned to accept the minutes of November 19, 1998, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded. <br /> 3.) Variance requests - 8 Yachtsman Circle and 8 Timberlane Drive <br /> 8 Yachtsman Circle - Mr. Doherty commented, "The engineer did not specify the exact <br /> distance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to the abutting well located at#151." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the request for variance relief based on the lack of a <br /> specific distance between the proposed on-site leaching facility and the abutting well, Mr. <br /> Bali seconded, all agreed. <br /> 8 Timberlane Drive - Mr. McQuaid stated, `Due to the constraints of the lot the <br /> applicant is requesting a 47' local variance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to <br /> abutting well (#9 Beechwood Drive), a 16' .local variance from the proposed on-site <br /> leaching facility to abutting well (#15 Beechwood Drive), a 43' local variance from the <br /> proposed on-site leaching facility to abutting well (#13 Timberlane Drive), a 46' local <br /> variance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to abutting well (41 Timberlane <br /> Drive), a 37' local variance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to abutting well (#2 <br /> Timberlane Drive), a 49' local variance from the proposed on-site leaching facility to <br /> abutting well (48 Timberlane Drive) and a 38' local variance from the proposed on-site <br /> leaching facility to abutting well (47 Timberlane Drive)." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the variances as stated by Mr. McQuaid, Mr. Ball <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br />