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MINUTES December 10, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> "Most directly, we are just opening up an area in Shoestring Bay and we were forced to <br /> put in public water." "We found contaminants there at 700' outside of the defined <br /> plume." "Also, what has changed is the Water District's policy that you cannot use <br /> public water for irrigation so the presumption that no one is using the water beneath the <br /> Willowbend property is no longer valid." "In my opinion, Augat is looking at this Board <br /> to validate its no action plan." "There is a public hearing coming up on this proposed <br /> remedy which we believe will be a proposal for no further action." "I think it would be <br /> helpful for this Board to write a letter to D.E.P. stating that you're not accepting <br /> responsibility for ensuring that residents are not drinking the water." "And the Board <br /> does not have the resources nor the technical expertise, that is D.E.P.'s job." <br /> Mr_ McQuaid stated, "Something that baffles me is for Augat to use this Board as <br /> the reason for not doing more remediation than they are doing." "We have never publicly <br /> or privately stated that Augat can let the Iower half of the plume dissipate into Shoestring <br /> Bay and that we were never concerned about it." "They may be under the impression <br /> that because there are no private drinking water wells down stream from the site beyond <br /> Simons Road that we're not concerned." "We are concerned." "There are other exposure <br /> paths such as inhalation, dermal, etc." "You don't want to irrigate a golf course or <br /> private lawn." "In my opinion, the Board should send a very strong letter to Gerard <br /> Martin at the D.E.P. that Augat's defense of their limited remedial action is not supported <br /> by this Board and we don't want to be held responsible to investigate the alternatives." <br /> "We're relying on the D.E.P. to safeguard the health of our residents." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I want to emphasize that this Board will not be placed as the <br /> responsible entity for the remediation agreements that were set." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I would recommend the Agent draft a letter to the D.E.P." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to direct the agent to draft a letter to the D.E.P. expressing the <br /> Boards disapproval of the limited remedial action and to inform them it is not this <br /> Board's responsibility to police the remediation process for conditions setforth by the <br /> D.E.P., Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Town Meeting article for Swap-Shop <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I recommend this Board prepare an article for the upcoming <br /> annual town meeting to request funds to construct a swap-shop." <br />