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MINUTES December 17, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "It has been the Board's policy that in order to grant variances <br /> below the 100' wetlands requirement a denitrification unit would be installed." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny plans as presented, Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. <br /> 3.) Letter to D.E.P. re: Invoices cont'd from earlier in the a enda - Mr. McQuaid <br /> relayed, "We've been receiving bills from D.E.P. out of the Boston office for the MCP <br /> review of our landfill groundwater contamination cleanup." "They vary from $1,600.00 <br /> down to $600.00 and various amounts in between." "It's been our position and Weston <br /> and Sampson's position that we are not an MCP site therefore, these bills have no <br /> validity." "It was Weston and Sampson's opinion that if we send a letter on behalf of the <br /> Board of Health maybe it would carry more weight." `Ve don't owe the money." "It's <br /> just something in their computer that keeps spitting out." <br /> Board members agreed to forward the letter as prepared. <br /> Mr. Cram forwarded his signature to the letter. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Jack McElhynney - Willowbend/Augat Contamination <br /> Mr. Jack McElhynney representing Willowbend and Ms. Kristine LeBlanc MCP <br /> consultant were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McElhyney stated, "I just wanted to take the opportunity to come in tonight <br /> and update the Board a little bit on what's going on there because there has been quite a <br /> bit happening." "I would also like to candidly ask for the Board's support in opposing <br /> what we believe is going to be a proposal of no action at that site as they plan to continue <br /> to let the plume drain into Shoestring Bay and the private properties for the next twenty <br /> years." "We obviously oppose that." "We have been working closely with the D.E.P. <br /> and oppose this as not a practical alternative." "There is twenty years of contamination <br /> still lying out there." "It's either heading to Cotuit or Shoestring Bay we're not sure <br /> which." "We've have had several meetings with the D.E.P. outlining for them our <br /> concerns on the work that has been done to date." "They have proposed a no action <br /> alternative and we have been pressing for more." "They have agreed to install a pump <br /> and treat system at Sampson's Mill Road." "We are proposing that more active <br /> remediation be done to intercept this before it hits more private property and the bay," <br /> <- `By their calculations this is a twenty year process for this to dilute out." "There are <br /> other sources that were never identified during the initial process." "Augat now <br /> acknowledges that there were illegal discharges from this site in the mid 80's which were <br /> never reported." "From Willowbend's perspective this is a problem on different levels." <br />