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MINUTES March 17, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1. Draft letter to haulers re5zarding the cap on waste to Otis. Mr. McQuaid <br /> presented the Board with a draft of a letter to the haulers regarding the limit <br /> on waste being taken to Otis for this calendar year. He stated that <br /> Falmouth has already sent out similar letters and Sandwich was drafting a <br /> letter. <br /> The Board discussed whether or not the letter should be sent and if Town <br /> Counsel should review it. The Board recommended a consultation with <br /> Town Counsel prior to sending the letter. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Ed Pesce -Variance at 141 Shore Drive <br /> Mr. Pesce is requesting a variance on behalf of the owners of 141 Shore Drive. <br /> Requested is a variance of 5' from the foundation to the edge of leaching. This <br /> variance has been requested due to site space constraints and the fact that the <br /> leaching system is below the finish floor elevation of the foundation. Also <br /> requested is a variance of 5.3'from the property line to the edge of leaching. A <br /> variance in the separation distance from the adjusted high groundwater to the <br /> bottom of the leaching facility of 3' is also being requested. Finally, a 2' <br /> variance from the leaching to wetland resource area is being requested. <br /> Mr. Pesce stated; "In November, former health agent Orin Evans inspected the <br /> existing system and found that it was in failure. The only way to make this <br /> work is to pump it over to the other side. The reason why I looked at the side of <br /> the lot instead of the front of the lot is because there is a slope on the side of <br /> the lot that would marry up very well to the abutting parcel (lot 255). If we <br /> bring the elevation up V it will look very natural and won't look like there is a <br /> mounded system in front of, or beside the house." <br /> AU Mr. Doherty questioned, "Is there any way you can move the leaching forward 2' <br /> and make it 100' from the edge of the marsh?" <br /> Mr. Pesce responded, "I can certainly do that. That won't be a problem. As you <br /> can see I am planning on doing a strip-out. There are a couple of inches of <br /> unsuitable soils until it breaks out into decent soil. The situation is that the <br /> leaching system is essentially sitting on top of the water table. It is in the water <br /> table during part of the year. There is a couple of foot different in elevation <br /> from where it is now and where I'm proposing it to be. My biggest variances are <br /> the sideline setback to the home. There is no habitable living space on that <br /> sideline. That's a workshop on that side, however there is a 5' separation which <br /> I think is adequate in this case." <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the variance requests. The Board requested that <br /> Mr. Pesce make two amendments to his variance request: 1) shift to 100' <br /> setback from the edge of wetlands to the leaching system, and 2) provide <br /> foundation sealer on the side of the dwelling next to the leaching system. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the variance pending the receipt of a revised <br /> proposal as discussed. Mr. Doherty seconded the motion, all agreed. <br />