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MINUTES March 17, 1999 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I disagree with that especially if he's putting in a concrete <br /> enclosure that has 110-150% capacity should the thing rupture. The concrete <br /> holds it." <br /> Mr. McQuaid added, "It will be considered a commercial tank. The only thing <br /> that we oversee are home heating oil tanks, so they will need to have a fire <br /> department permit to have that installed." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "It's got to be covered, of course, or else the rainwater will <br /> accumulate in the concrete holding area <br /> Mr. Slavinsky added, "I'm here for review, I'm not here for the permit." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "The owners will have to provide an adequate level of <br /> environmental protection." <br /> Mr. Cram added, "I'd like to have some time to look at this and then come back <br /> with some possible recommendations, alterations, etc. that might have to take <br /> place." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "My concern is going to be the storm drains because there <br /> is no other place it can go. If that's going to be a problem area, that's where <br /> you are going to have to concentrate." <br /> The Board decided to postpone further discussion for a couple of weeks for <br /> review. Mr. Slavinsky agreed since it was only a preliminary review at this time. <br /> I <br /> APPOINTMENT: Phoenix Group —Aunt Jane's Subdivision <br /> Mr. Michael Grotzke was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Grotzke stated, "I'd like to appeal for some leniency on the Aunt Jane's <br /> subdivision. We had several lots on Aunt Janes Road and we had sent our <br /> contractor to pull permits before the perc tests expired. We had drafted a check <br /> for $1,400 and the contractor was sent in the pull the permits for all these <br /> septic systems. At that time they came back to me and said that there were <br /> some issues with the plans regarding wells and the Board couldn't issue the <br /> permits. The check wasn't accepted since it was for all of the systems. You <br /> gave back the $1400 check and we re-drafted a check for $850.00, which you <br /> did accept for the systems you could accept at that time. We re-designed it and <br /> it was a long process as you may recall. I had sent the contractor down a few <br /> days later to sign for the permits (you had given us'an extension on the perc <br /> tests). Now I.guess the issue that I was not aware of is that the contractor <br /> didn't pay for these permits so we have a signed permit but no check. That <br /> leaves us in a situation where the permits have technically lapsed and without <br /> some leniency by the Board, I'm not sure how you would be able to help us out. <br /> All these permits will have expired and we would have to start from scratch <br /> again. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "You've been working actively on it and that's enough for <br /> me to keep it active. I don't see anything would be gained by saying that the <br /> i <br />