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04/06/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
04/06/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES April 6, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: Jason Stone re: 44 Little Neck Lane addition <br /> Mr. Stone was not in attendance for this meeting. Mr. Scott Goldstein was in <br /> attendance representing Mr. Stone. <br /> Mr. Goldstein explained that the home was built with a full walkout basement and the <br /> owner wants to now finish the lower level. The septic system was designed for 549 <br /> gallons per day. The application was approved for 3 bedrooms and included a <br /> denitrification unit. <br /> Mr..McQuaid added that the property is in a Zone II area and does not have enough <br /> square footage to add another bedroom even though it has a denitrification unit. <br /> Discussion took place regarding the layout of the basement and the rooms designed to <br /> be included in this area. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the approval with the stipulation that the wall shown <br /> on the submitted plans that enclose the "office" will be eliminated. Mr. Cram <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 6. Memo from Town Admire. Re: CCC Process_Meeting <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> 7. Food Service Permit waiver request-Williams Sonoma <br /> Ms. Warden stated that the new Williams-Sonoma store proposed in the <br /> Mashpee Commons has requested that the Board waive the fee for a food <br /> service permit since they aren't planning on cooking food to sell but will only be <br /> having a "sampling bar." <br /> Discussion took place regarding what type of licenses should be required of the <br /> Williams-Sonoma store. It was determined that they will need a Retail Food <br /> permit and perhaps a Food Service Establishment permit if they are serving <br /> foods that are prepared on premises to the public. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the request to waive permit fees for Williams- <br /> Sonoma. Mr. Cram seconded the motion. Motion to deny passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: David Carboneau re: Deer Crossing Market & Deli <br /> Mr. David Carboneau was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that Mr. Carboneau is requesting an increase in the seating in his <br /> restaurant based upon a reduction in the flow calculation from 35 gallons per seat to <br /> 20 due to using only paper goods and no dishware. <br /> Mr. Cram stated that he felt Mr. Carboneau should follow the same procedure that Mr. <br /> Mitrokostas from Finally Dino's had to follow for the same request. The request <br /> should get approval from the DEP first and if it does, then the Board will concur. <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant approval for the increase in seating at the Deer Crossing <br /> Market & Deli based on a reduced flow calculation from 35 gallons per seat to 20 due <br />
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