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MINUTES April 13, 2000 8 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> injustice" that specifically deals with the costs associated with the installation with the <br /> septic system. This is considered an upgrade of septic systems that are currently in <br /> use for the existing structures. The other is that in granting this variance is the <br /> applicant still providing and equal degree of environmental protection were they to <br /> follow the Title V without a variance. If the BOH is satisfied that these to issues are <br /> proven to their satisfaction then the BOH should consider granting the variance. <br /> Otherwise the BOH should require the denitrification system and approve it with that <br /> modification. <br /> Mr. Ball asked Mr. Grotzke if this was a hardship situation? <br /> Mr. Grotzke responded that it is expensive to install a denitrification system and <br /> monitor it on a perpetual basis as well as maintain it. He stated that they discussed at <br /> the last BOH meeting that none of the effluent actually enters any of the estuaries. It <br /> goes ultimately into Nantucket Sound through 100 feet of sand. Mr. Grotzke felt that if <br /> the DEP reviewed the plans they would agree with that statement. He also felt that a <br /> denitrification system from his professional judgment would not be cost effective. <br /> Mr. Ball asked if Mr. Grotzke was aware of the regulations that the BOH approved four <br /> to five months ago that any residential, industrial and/or commercial over 600 <br /> gallons, in the whole Town of Mashpee, must install a denitrification system? <br /> Mr. Grotzke then stated the only reason (The tape ends. No other tapes or information <br /> available.) <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Being no further business, Mr. motioned to adjourn this meeting at p.m., Mr. <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Lucy B. Burton, Administrative Secretary <br /> (for Board Secretary Jennifer Ahearn) <br /> Minutes actually begun by Lucy B. Burton and finished by current Administrative <br /> Secretary Charlotte A. Garron for Board Secretary Jennifer Ahearn. <br /> 9 q 119f <br /> E <br />