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05/11/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/11/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 11, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 5. Memo from Town Administrator re: Meeting with BOH <br /> Chairman Ball stepped down from discussion on this matter. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that he is not in favor of turning over the supervision of the <br /> transfer station to the Board of Selectmen. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated that the Ethics Commission has advised him that.he does <br /> not have a conflict and is awaiting a letter from them. He also stated that he <br /> does not want to give up the transfer station operation. He further stated that <br /> the Board of Health is mandated by the State to run certain aspects of the <br /> transfer station operation. <br /> Board members directed the Health Agent to send a letter to the Selectmen <br /> stating that the Board is not inclined to transfer operational responsibilities and <br /> that they will not meet with the Selectmen until after the written decision by the <br /> Ethics Commission has been received by Mr. Doherty. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Melvin 8v Shirley Reine of Five-Star Enterprises re: Illegal Dumping <br /> j Mr. & Mrs. Reine were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Ms. Warden gave a brief history of the illegal dumping situation off Great Hay Road in <br /> which Mr. Reine was allegedly involved. <br /> Mrs. Reine read the following statement into the record: "On approximately 4/5, Dick <br /> Thomas from LMC called our office very upset. Apparently a load of debris was found <br /> on Great Hay Road in Mashpee that belonged to him. He accused us emptying a <br /> container on 3/31 from 9 Compass Circle into the woods of Great Hay Road. This is <br /> not true. We normally swap a full container with an empty one at the job site. We did <br /> not have an empty container available that day so we had to bring it to our yard to be <br /> emptied into one of our trucks and then we returned it back to him. LMC told us that <br /> the Board of Health was going to fine him $10,000 unless the debris was cleaned up. <br /> I called the Board of Health and spoke to Ronnie and asked her about the fine. She <br /> said it would be $300. Mr. Thomas called us the following day and said that the <br /> Board of Health told him that if the debris were cleaned up he would not be fined and <br /> we told him that we would help him out. On 4/8 Five-Star send two men to clean up <br /> the debris from Mr. Thomas and billed him for it on 4/15. Five-Star and Mr. Thomas <br /> of LMC have been doing business since 1996. We helped him because he is one of our <br /> customers. We believe it is not fair that Five-Star get cited for the helping out of a <br /> customer, nor to we believe that Mr. Thomas should be cited because although he <br /> admits it was his debris, it was cleaned up in a thoroughly and timely manner. Also <br /> Mr. Thomas asked Five-Star for another pick-up on the same container_on 5/10. We <br /> sincerely believe if he really thought we dumped the debris he would not want to do <br /> any further business with us." <br /> Mr. Ball asked, "Who was the truck drive on that haul?" <br /> Mrs. Reine responded, "That would have been Melvin. We didn't do it." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The key is that it has been cleaned up." <br />
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