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05/11/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/11/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 11, 2000 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball stated that the Board would require a denitrification unit due to the flow of <br /> 880 gallons per day for the 8-bedroom home. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the variance to install a Ruck denitrification system for <br /> general use with the additional requirement that the Board receive maintenance and <br /> monitoring contracts. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> i <br /> i <br /> I <br /> APPOINTMENT: Mr. Norman Laroque re: Stratford Pond pool testing <br /> Mr. Laroque was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Laroque stated that he is looking for a variance to cut down on the monitoring of <br /> the pool from four times daily to twice daily due to the low pool usage and the fact that <br /> the pool is used primarily by senior citizens. He stated that there is very little change <br /> from one inspection to the next and that the filtration system in place is very good. He <br /> stated that Howard Wensley of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health told <br /> him that it would be the decision by the local Board of Health as to whether to grant <br /> the variance or not. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated that he doesn't have a problem reducing the monitoring, however <br /> he would need a letter from the Board of Trustees stating that they will assume <br /> responsibility for the proper operation of the pool and that any incident would result <br /> in the reversing of the decision and resuming four times daily inspections. <br /> Ms. Warden stated that there are currently 27 pools in town and she is concerned <br /> about setting a precedent. She also stated that any decision would need DPH <br /> concurrence. <br /> Mr. Laroque further stated that the residents of Stratford Ponds are senior citizens <br /> who live there year round. It is not a transient community. <br /> Ms. Warden asked if there would be anyone willing to oversee additional testing at <br /> times when the pool is fuller than usual. <br /> Mr. Laroque stated that there could be additional testing by a volunteer during these <br /> times. <br /> Ms. Warden also recommended to the Board that the Health Agents increase their <br /> monitoring of this pool during the summer months. The Barnstable County <br /> Department of Health and the Environment intern could do additional. monitoring. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated that the pool is not used very often and that 80% of the times the <br /> pool was tested there was no one in the pool. The maximum number of people in the <br /> pool during the testing was 14. This just isn't a busy pool. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the variance to reduce the number of times the <br /> Stratford Ponds pool is to be tested daily from 4 to 2 based on the following: a) it is a <br /> full-time, year round residential community of a non-transient nature; b) the Board, in <br /> recognizing this, will entertain future requests for reducing the testing only after a <br /> minimum of one-year track record in pool maintenance; and c) motion is pending DPW <br />
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