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MINUTES June 1, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> been counting on to do this project and the credit that they got by hooking up Life at <br /> Mashpee and providing advanced nitrogen removal for their flows. Let me say at the <br /> outset that it seems to us that this is a pretty straightforward situation. We've stated <br /> our position in a letter to Mr. Eichner which I hope you got." <br /> Mr. Eichner stated that he received the letter that day. <br /> Mr. Bliss continued, "I think the Board got copies of it as well. Our letter is consistent <br /> with the position of the Board as I understand it as laid out in several of the Board's <br /> letters, but most recently their May 9th letter which stated their position. I think <br /> basically, if we take a minute to go through the letter, as I say, the positions are clear <br /> and are governed by clear legal authority. There really are just two arguments here. <br /> One is that in early 1999, when Life got its septic approvals from this Board, the <br /> Board at that time simply didn't have the legal authority to require denitrification. <br /> That is because, and this is the part that is crystal clear, that Title V regulations <br /> themselves state that if a Board wishes to have more stringent requirements, they'd <br /> have to do that through what lawyers call the rule-making process, which is notice, <br /> public hearing and that whole kind of thing. That was not done in this case, so if <br /> when that permit issued, Life was issued just plain vanilla Title V permits and they <br /> could go ahead and discharge at that basis. With the upgraded treatment-that <br /> Talanian has agreed to provide, a lot of nitrogen is going to be taken out of the system. <br /> So, our position is that this is precisely the kind of situation that the mechanism is <br /> designed to address. The other point is a fairness argument. That is just that if the <br /> Commission had a position about this it should have articulated that position a year <br /> or more ago when Mr. Talanian spent the money making these plans and not later in <br /> the game. The fairness argument is really in addition. The basic argument is that the <br /> Board just didn't have the authority to require nitrogen treatment at that point. We <br /> think this is pretty clear and we'd like to be able to resolve it tonight and we're clear <br /> and we think the Board is clear and we'd like to be able to go away tonight with an <br /> agreement as to what is going on." <br /> Mr. Eichner stated, "I think Mr. Bliss has sort of laid out where the perspective has <br /> been offered by the Talanian folks and, I guess in response I would like to sort of lay <br /> out where we are in terms of the regulatory review at the Commission. At the point of <br /> the draft environmental impact report the Commission had been proceeding along the <br /> lines of providing a standard Title V 35 ppm credit for the Talanian development for <br /> hooking up Life at Mashpee. At that point it was brought to our attention during the <br /> public hearings, which is part of the process that we go through in terms of these <br /> things and gathering public information, so it's not a matter of fairness of us not <br /> bringing it up before then, but, in fact it was something that was brought to our <br /> attention, that there seemed to be some amount of contradiction in terms of the way <br /> previous projects had gone through the Mashpee Board of Health. What sort of <br /> information was in the minutes from discussions about Life at Mashpee and the way <br /> we had been proceeding with the assumption of a standard Title V system at Life at <br /> Mashpee. So, based on a number of those discussions, information that was <br /> submitted to us, we had some confusion, admittedly, about which way this was going, <br /> what was actually on the books, what had been agreed on, and we've gone around and <br /> around in a number of discussions with the Talanian folks about where this stands <br /> and what it exactly means. We've had some letters from Elias and what I would like to <br /> do tonight would be to get a firm and clear understanding from you folks exactly <br />