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MINUTES July 6, 2000 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned whether the property could tie into town water from Nick <br /> Trail instead of across the adjacent property causing the need for a variance. He also <br /> stated that due to recent Title V changes, the adjacent property is technically <br /> unbuildable. <br /> Discussion took place regarding the difficulty of designing the septic system on the <br /> adjacent lot and the issue of the lot line. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to continue this agenda item until further issues of locating the <br /> septic system and the possibility of combining the two lots into one lot are addressed. <br /> Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion to continue passed. <br /> Mr. Ball further commented that he would not grant the variance if it were possible to <br /> locate the septic system on the adjacent lot and that he will direct the agent to visit <br /> the site to observe the lot constraints. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Gia Elliott re: Revised Stable Application <br /> Ms. Gia Elliott was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Ms. Elliott presented Board members with a plan showing fence modifications to <br /> enable the corral area to be at least 50' from abutting neighbors and 27' from the <br /> owners' dwelling. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that he had time to research the regulation and the corral situated <br /> at Ms. Elliott's property at 23 Lisa Lane. He stated that the Board of Health stable <br /> regulation must be followed and, therefore, the fence must be placed in such a way <br /> that the corral is at least 50' from all houses including Ms. Elhotts'. <br /> Mr. Ball concurred with Mr. Santos and stated that he will stand by the Board's <br /> regulation. <br /> Mr. Santos motioned to deny the request for a variance of 23' from the corral to the <br /> house at 11 Lisa Lane. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion to deny passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Mark Dedecko/BSC re: 16 Forest Drive <br /> Mr. Mark Dedecko of Harbor Homes and Mr. David Crispin of BSC Group Engineering <br /> were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Crispin stated that the Board of Health had approved a submitted plan previously, <br /> however it has since been discovered that the well for lot 76A is not located where they <br /> thought it was. They are now looking for further well to septic variances to take into <br /> consideration the new well location information in addition to a variance for having no <br /> reserve area. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that he would require the foundation to be sealed. Mr. Dedecko stated <br /> that the foundation is already sealed and inspected by Building Inspector Bill Hauck. <br />