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loader. Mr. Buckingham suggested the Committee ask Mr . <br /> Virgilio to maintain a log on the new loader when it is <br /> received so there is a record on when it is used on the <br /> landfill/transfer station and when it is used for other DPW <br /> activities . <br /> 6 . The Committee discussed installation of fencing between <br /> the current area used as a landfill and the transfer station <br /> site as well as the perimeter of the transfer station . It was <br /> moved by Mr . Murphy and seconded by Mr. Terry that dan <br /> inquiry be made to the Board of Health for its opinion <br /> relative to the perimeter security fencing since the Board of <br /> Health is the regulatory agency. This was so voted . <br /> 7 . The Committee reviewed color patches for the metal <br /> building and selected by consensus "colony green" with "polar <br /> white" trim. <br /> 8 . A proof for the plaque was reviewed . On a motion made by <br /> Mr . Murphy, seconded by Mr. Terry and so voted, the names of <br /> the Board of Health members were added to those of the Board <br /> of Selectmen, Building Committee, contrctor and consulting <br /> engineer . <br /> 9 . The Committee discussed with Mr . Hanlon and Mr . Scipione <br /> the specifications for operation of the transfer station. Mr . <br /> Hanlon said they were nearly complete and would be sent to <br /> the Selectmen ' s office on March 3 . He related that he would <br /> prepare prior to the annual town meeting a letter analyzing <br /> the bids that were received as well as the requests for funds <br /> to operate the landfill and transfer station made by the <br /> Director of Public Works . <br /> 10 . There being no further business. the Committee noted the <br /> next meeting is scheduled for 3 p . m . on Thursday. April 6 in <br /> the DPW building conference room . The Committee adjourned at <br /> 4 : 08 p . m . <br /> Respectfully submitted <br /> Joseph F . Murphy Jr. , Clerk <br />