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/Y <br /> ' IN LIF MASHFEE <br /> SPECIAL 10WN NEETING <br /> B,arnstabi.e ss. Greetings: <br /> ICI the Me Of the QQMMQnWea1Lh Of you are hereby directed to <br /> notify and sun tans the inhabitants of the Town of Mashpee Who are qualified to vote in <br /> the elections, to meet at the 4a5hpee "diddle School on Monday, the 27th day of June, <br /> 1983 at 7:30 p.m. for the following purpose: <br /> To act on the Articles contained in the following Warrant: <br /> ARTICLE 1. To see if the town ,,till vote to transfer a sum of money to the Legal -Ind <br /> Engineering Account, or take any action related thereto. <br /> ARTICLE 2. To see if the town will :,ate to transfer a sum of money to the Central Ser- <br /> vices Account, or take ,any action related' thereto. <br /> L 41 <br /> ,roted to -4.2_rans1*er $10CI- 00 <br /> ARTICLE 3. To see if the town will vote to transfer from available funds the sum of <br /> $920.43 to pay the following "unpaid" bill of prior years, or take any action related <br /> thereto: Peter L. Jacobson <br /> Plumbing Inspector <br /> Town of 11ashpee $920.00 <br /> so voted. . «uiols' <br /> ARTICLE 4. To see if the town will ,,,ote to transfer a sum of money to the Fire De- <br /> partment Wage Account, or take any action related thereto. <br /> vo 'I-.ed to -,,ransf ar 1�'2 36`0.54 <br /> .%R,rICLE 3. To see if the town will vote to transfer a sum of money to the Police De- <br /> partment Wage Account , or take any action related thereto. <br /> iridezz"ilzi-Lit-lely -,ao,-,r)oned <br /> ARTICLE 6. To s,2e if the town -,iill vote to transfer from ,,Available funds a ;um of <br /> money to the Conservation Commission' s '�,-ige Account, or take any action related thereto. <br /> vor,,; ! ',o t­.:a_rLs-1'e.r <br /> ARTICLE 7. To see if the town will vote to transfer $150.00 from the Elections and <br /> Registrations Expense Account to the 'Election andRegistrations Wage Account, or take <br /> any action related thereto. <br /> jo votad <br /> ARTICLE a. To see if the t(.,:wn will .,are to transfer a -,um of money to the Personnel <br /> Expenie \ccount , or take iny action related thereto. <br /> ARTICLE 9. To see if the town will vote to amend the t980 Zoning By-Law of the Town of <br /> Mashpee, as amended, as follows: <br />