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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> SPECIAL TOWN MEETING <br /> Barnstable, ss: Greetings : <br /> To the constable of the Town of Mashpee: <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby di- <br /> rected to notify and summon the inhabitants of the Town of Mashpee <br /> who are qualified to vote in the elections, to meet at the Mashpee <br /> Middle School on Monday, February 27, ' 1984 at 7:30 p.m. for the following <br /> purpose: <br /> To act on the Articles contained in the following Warrant: <br /> Article 1. <br /> To see if the town will appropriate and transfer from Revenue <br /> Available for Appropriation the sum of $11, 797. 50 to the following <br /> accounts in the amount as indicated for the purpose of funding a <br /> contract between the Town and Service Employees International Union, <br /> Local 254 - Highway Unit for the current fiscal year: Highway Salary <br /> Account, $8, 881. 10 : Highway Wages Account, $700; Snow and Ice Account, <br /> $500; Town Hall maintenance Salary Account, $820; Selectmen Wages <br /> Account, $210; and Police Building Maintenance Account, $686. 40, <br /> so voted <br /> Article 2. <br /> To see if the town will vote to appropriate and transfer from <br /> Revenue Available for Appropriation the sum of $15,241. 20 to the <br /> following accounts in the amounts as indicated for the purpose of <br /> funding a contract between the Town and Services Employees, International <br /> Union, Local 254 - Clerical Unit for the current fiscal year: Highway <br /> Clerical Salary, $1, 110. 20; Building Inspector Clerical Salary, $2 , 857 . 40; <br /> Police Clerical/Qispatch Salary, $5,756. 80; Board of Health Clerical <br /> Salary, $428. 20 ; Assistant Town Accountant Salary, $928- 20 ; Fire Clerk/ <br /> Dispatch salary, $774 . 80 ; Tax Collector Clerical Salary, $1, 401. 40 ; Tax <br /> Collector Wages, $55; Assistant Treasurer :salary, $1,292. 20 ; Assessors <br /> Clerical Salary, $637, <br /> indefinitely postponed <br /> Article 3. <br /> To see if the town will •.rate to appropriate and transfer from <br /> Revenue Available for Appropriation the sum of $5, 655 to be apportioned <br /> to the following accounts : Attiquin Park Improvement Account, $4, 650 ; Life- <br /> guards and Attendants.-Account, ,4730-06 I aid Police Wages Account, $275, with <br /> the purpose of said appropriation being repairs and improvements to Atti- <br /> quin Park and personnel and equipment costs to provide a special police <br /> officer, lifeguards and a gate attendant at Attiquin Park during the <br /> current fiscal year <br />