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TOWN OF MIASHPEE <br /> ANNUAL TOWN MEETING <br /> Barnstable, ss: Greetings <br /> To The Constables of the Town: <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to <br /> notify and summon the inhabitants of the Town of Mashpee who ,are qualified to <br /> vote in the election, to meet at the Mashpee Middle School on Monday, the 7th <br /> day of May 1984, at 7:30 p.m. for the following purposes: <br /> To act on the Articles contained in the following Warrant. To meet at <br /> the Town Hall the following Saturday, May 12, 1984, to bring in their votes for <br /> the election of the following officers: <br /> One Selectman for three year term; <br /> One Selectmen for one year unexpired term; <br /> brie Assessor for three year term; <br /> One Board of Health member for three year term; <br /> One Planning Board member for five year term; <br /> Two School Committee members for three year term; <br /> Three Finance Committee members for three year term; <br /> Three Library Trustees for three year term; <br /> One Library Trustee for one year unexpired term; <br /> One Mashpee Housing Authority member for five year term; <br /> One Town Clerk for three year term <br /> The polls will be open at 7 o'clock a.m. , and will be closed at 8 o'clock p.m. <br /> Article 1. <br /> To choose for a one—year term all necessary Town officials who are not <br /> elected under the Australian ballot system: <br /> Burial Agent. . . . . Oliver Pocknett <br /> Herring Warden. . . Perry Ellis <br /> UNANIMOUS VOTE <br /> Article 2. <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from <br /> available funds, borrow or to otherwise incur indebtedness for a sum of money to <br /> construct, furnish and equip a public works facility to be located off <br /> Meetinghouse Road, and that to meet such appropriation the Treasurer with approval <br /> of the Board of Selectmen be authorized to borrow a sum of money at one time <br /> or from time to time, under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7 of Massachusetts <br /> General Laws, or any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of <br /> the town therefor, and further that $58,500 be raised and appropriated or <br /> transferred'from available funds for the purpose of paying principal and interest <br /> ffi on any notes or bonds issued hereunder g <br /> 4R <br /> Motion to transfer 40,000.00 from Overl,�.y. . . . 410,000.00 to be' borrowed <br /> and Raise and appropriate 58,500.00_._ <br /> Motion defeated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.M., <br />