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i <br /> I <br /> I <br /> M.ashpee -�,�� - -Lake:.-M- <br /> -.. �� <br /> ent <br /> Commifte' e <br /> . n ry 2 008 <br /> i _ 7:30 PM, <br /> Ma,A Pee Town Hall' <br /> Neetling called : = William. Taylor <br /> Type of meeting. Monthly <br /> SOetary Barbara B. Nichols' <br /> -Attendees: Members: William Ta ylor, Haas Fntschi,, Barbara Nichols,Don Myers <br /> w ;. <br /> Guests: EdwardBaker, <br /> Approval of the minutes of the November 27, 2007 meeting was postponed until the February meeting. <br /> The meeting was not posted by clerical error, and no votes were taken. It was noted on the Town web site. <br /> A'genda4 . <br /> Opics.� - <br /> -topic' ,11 a e eye <br /> Discussion: The two readings done in January show the water'level holding at 55.5 ft. above sea level, <br /> with 6.25 and 7. inches of water going over the hoards. V hen Barbara slid the readinort Ja 15th, <br /> g <br /> she found a large section of dock blocking the dam. She called Perry Ellis to let him know of the problem, <br /> . and when the Bite -wa -rechecked days later,the dock section had been removed. Ed Baker took nictures <br /> of the-trees down along the passage to the dam which blocked town 'uipme t from attending to the site, <br /> and also a tree leaning over Wakeby pond near the F'ritshi residence. These trees were undermined <br /> during the time of high water levels and IVB-. Baker estimated they were between 50 and 100 gears old. <br /> Pictures were forwarded to the new Conservation agent Drew McManus. Drew has been authorized to <br /> manage the boards in the dam by the Town Manager, but the Herring Warden position remains vacant. <br /> The river below the dam still has at least 6 extra inches of sand since the November storm. Greg Taylor <br /> has left DPW and Catherine Laurent has been named Interim Dire tor. Bill Taylor brought up measuring <br /> the velocity of water going over the boards. Ed Baker felt the information and formulas were in Horsley <br /> Witten's report. How the information could be used was questioned. Barbara will continue to measure <br /> lake levels twice a month,but prefers not to add other measurements. <br /> Conclusions: Bill will gather more information for the next meeting. <br />