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Mashpee Wakebyy Lake Management <br /> + Committee <br /> May 22,2012 <br /> 7:30 P <br /> Mashpee Town-Mall <br /> Meeting called y: George gingham III <br /> Type of meeting:: Monthly <br /> secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Barbara Nichols, ,Debi McManus, Andrew Gottlieb, William <br /> Taylor, Wayne Taylor, Selectman liaison <br /> Guests: <br /> The minutes of the April 24, 2012 meeting were accepted as written, after a motion by George and second <br /> by.Debi. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [A 'enda topic 1.] Lake level } <br /> Discus..,... sion. Barbara measured the lake on May 2nd and 15th. The levels were 55.36 and 55.48 feet above <br /> sea level, with 1 and i 4.25 inches of water flowing over the board closest to the late. These results were <br /> emailed to Drew McManus in Conservation. <br /> Debi and Barbara reported seeing urge numbers of herring spawning along the shore. <br /> Conclusions: Decent rainfall has brought the water level almost back to 55.5 ft. above sea level. r <br /> { [Agenda`.topic ] Mashpee Ri-r r Sedimentation <br /> -- <br /> Discussion: Andrew noticed that there was a large collection of sand above the fishway to the north of Fit. <br /> 130 after the last heavy rain. He emailed Drew in Conservation, who had heard from Marine Fisheries the <br /> same morning. Drew stated the sand had been building up for some time,but was more noticeable due to <br /> the louver water level. Marine Fisheries seat someone to the site to replace a rotted board in the Mill fond <br /> spillway and Drew cut wedges out of some boards to allow the herring to get through. Several members <br /> mentioned that they had noticed many herring schooling along the shore....rnore than in several years. <br /> Andrew feels that the Mill Fond will need to be dredged out in the near future and mentioned this to Drew <br /> McManus. <br /> Conclusions: Conservation Dept. is aware of the large sand build-uta above the fishway into Mill fond <br /> north of Int. 130. <br />