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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION MINUTES <br /> JANUARY 15, 2008 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Robyn Simmons, Mary LeClair, Terrie Cook,Bob Walsh on <br /> teleconference call. <br /> Joe Noonan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. He introduced Mary LeClair to the <br /> Committee. She is affiliated with the Cape Cod Economic Development Council and can <br /> answer pertinent questions. FDIC is eligible to apply for grant money under the State's Special <br /> Legislation. Dan Grey can give us all of the criteria and can be reached at 375-6648. <br /> The Minutes of December 4, 2007 were approved unanimously. <br /> The Town Planner is working on the Economic Plan, and Rene can follow up on the status. <br /> The Committee received resumes from Joseph Anastos and Grace Talmadge to fill the one <br /> member opening on EDIC. Joe Noonan requested that the Town check references first before <br /> the Committee makes a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen. <br /> The Committee agreed to revise the meeting schedule over the next three months. The meetings <br /> will be scheduled for February 19th, March 181', and April 15th. <br /> Bob Walsh reported that he drove around the Industrial Park and was very impressed. <br /> There was a Technology facility Study done by an architect prior to the Free Clinic. Can the <br /> report identify what was recommended for this property? Terrie Cook will forward this <br /> information to Rene. <br /> Mashpee Park Realty Trust will meet tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. How can EDIC help them? What <br /> is their Master Plan for the area? There are various parcels in there. Terrie Cook invited <br /> members to attend the meeting, and many expressed an interest in attending. <br /> Tom Fudala has compiled the list of saleable tax-taking properties, and he will attend the <br /> February FDIC meeting to answer any questions. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. <br /> ('Outq&&44Q__ <br /> Mary delsthorpe, cording Secretary <br />