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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION MINUTES <br /> MARCH 18, 2008 <br /> Present: Bob Walsh, Mary LeClair, Robyn Simmons, Rene Read, Terrie Cook. <br /> Joe Noonan and Bob Cobuzzi on teleconference call. <br /> Tom Fudala, Town Planner, and Brian Kehrl (Mashpee Enterprise). <br /> Rene chaired the meeting. <br /> Joe Anastos was interviewed for the opening on the Committee. <br /> A discussion regarding the candidates followed. Joe Noonan nominated Joe Anastos, Robyn <br /> Simmons seconded. Vote was taken. Joe Noonan, Robyn Simmons, Bob Cobuzzi, Mary <br /> LeClair in favor. Rene Read and Bob Walsh opposed. <br /> Elizabeth Curtain was nominated by Bob Walsh, seconded by Mary LeClair. Vote was taken. <br /> Bob Walsh and Rene Read in favor. Mary LeClair, Robyn Simmons, Bob Cobuzzi, and Joe <br /> Noonan opposed. <br /> We need to be unanimous in our vote. Joe Anastos was re-nominated by Joe Noonan, seconded <br /> by Robyn Simmons. Vote was taken. Unanimous. <br /> Minutes of February 19, 2008 were approved unanimously. <br /> Tom Fudala passed along a revised list of potentially marketable tax-taking lands. <br /> A piece of land in the middle of Quashnet Valley County Club might be valuable to them. <br /> Rene noted a piece on Goodspeed Road. Terrie Cook noted 14 Angelo's Way, a drainage lot, un- <br /> buildable, but perhaps valuable to an abutter. <br /> Joyce Mason arrived at 6:30 p.m. She confirmed that the entire 4.5 acres is deeded to the Free <br /> Clinic. There are parking issues. <br /> Joe Noonan identified 33 Great River Road and 318 Monomoscoy as popular to abutters or a <br /> new builder if grandfathered and combined into one lot. There is a potential assessment over <br /> $200,000 which could provide cash towards employing a full-time EDIC Director. Bob Walsh <br /> suggested getting a legal opinion about transferring them to EDIC. <br /> Rene called attention to the following: 950 Falmouth Road, South Cape Resorts in back is <br /> foreclosed, 5.5 acres residential, valued at $1.8m, Lowell/Old Barnstable Road, 3.8 acres near <br /> Quashnet, 33 Commercial Street 6.19 acres, Brain Center Inn,perhaps a Days Inn potential. <br /> Bob Walsh suggested going through the CCC process when Joe-Noonan returns. <br /> The CCC reviewed the Industrial Park. The Brain Center was a non-profit which is <br />