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f <br /> MAS1 PEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. M[NUTES <br /> JUNE 24, 2008 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Robyn Simmons, Rene Read, Bob Cobuzzi, Elizabeth Curtin. <br /> Terrie Cook, Liaison to the Board of Selectmen, Brian Kehrl(Mashpee Enterprise). <br /> Absent: Bob Walsh, Mary LeClair <br /> Joe Noonan chaired and opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. <br /> All welcomed Elizabeth (Beth) Curtin to the Committee. <br /> The Minutes of June 3, 2008 were deferred to the next meeting when a quorurn of the members <br /> from that meeting are present. <br /> Rene distributed and reviewed some details about the website. He asked if members want <br /> individual e-mail addresses posted on the website or one FDIC e-mail address. The members <br /> agreed on the latter. The last paragraph on the handout needs to be eliminated. Terrie Cook <br /> should be listed as the Board of Selectmen liaison. <br /> Rene distributed a model business card for the members to review which can be printed in-house. <br /> Rene's phone number will be used for now for the EDIC. <br /> Mary LeClair can be very helpful with contacting our elected officials, such as Rob O'Leary. <br /> Dan Dray reported to Robyn that the requested $50,000 for an EDIC Director was perhaps too <br /> high. There was a concern about setting a precedent by which other EDIC's will base their <br /> actions. Perhaps we can present this with the right spin as a test case. Also, we need a work plan <br /> included with the request letter. Dan suggested running the draft by him directly to review <br /> before submitting. Robyn will find out Dan's title. <br /> Rene will check with the Town's Accounting firm Sullivan/Rogers to see if they have an EDIC <br /> staff. They recommended themselves to act as a consultant to the EDIC. <br /> Also, Rene will talk to Heather Harper at the Falmouth Town Hall to get an update about-their <br /> EDIC. <br /> The Committee discussed the language for the grant and possibly lowering the amount of the <br /> grant to $25,000 for early stage planning. <br /> The Committee decided to leave in the $50,000 request and firm up the final draft by July 8"' and <br /> plan to forward to the Board of Selectmen for their review at their 21 July meeting. A sub- <br /> committee made up of Joe Noonan, Robyn Simmons, and Beth Curtin will work on this project, <br /> and meet June 27 b at 6:00 p.m. Bob Cobuzzi will e-mail his comments to the Committee. In <br /> summary, the issues to work out are: Money, precedent, and a work plan. <br />