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MASEPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> OCTOBER 21, 2008 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Rene Read,Mary LeClair, Bob Cobuzzi, Robyn Simmons, Terrie Cook, <br /> Bob Walsh on teleconference call. Brian Kehrl, Mashpee Enterprise. <br /> Joe Noonan opened and chaired the meeting at 6:10 p.m. <br /> The Minutes of October 7, 2008 were moved and approved unanimously. <br /> Boston Concession is interested in obtaining additional information regarding the lots in the <br /> Mashpee Industrial Park. They are willing to fly in and meet with the Committee. The <br /> Committee would like to receive a letter of interest from them and/or Jim Vaccaro, the <br /> Business/Real Estate Broker from Mashpee. They are planning to run the Concessions for the <br /> Steamship Authority to Martha's Vineyard. <br /> The grant award meeting with Dan Dray is set for November P at 3:00 p.m., Bob Walsh, Bob <br /> Cobuzzi, and Joe Noonan plan to attend. They will also plan to meet on the same day around <br /> 1:00 p.m. with Paul Niedzwiecki from the Cape Cod Commission. We need a copy of the <br /> strategic plan. Paul was helpful to Falmouth in getting their EDIC organized. <br /> Rene learned we can use a RFP and negotiate a price for the contractual services of an Economic <br /> Development Consultant. A draft titled Request for Qualifications was reviewed. A few <br /> changes were made. It was suggested to not include that the Consultant prepare the FDIC <br /> Comprehensive Plan in the RFP. Joe Noonan will discuss with John Cahalane the scope and <br /> parts of Dan Dray's letter dated July 22, 2008. Joe Noonan will also talk with John about the <br /> tax-taking properties. <br /> The committee took a vote on re-organization of the EDIC committee. Joe Noonan was voted <br /> Chairperson, and Robert Walsh, Vice-Chairperson, each for one-year terms. Rene will run an ad <br /> to fill Beth Curtain's vacancy. <br /> The Guide for Business brochure will be discussed next meeting. The tax-taking update will be <br /> given in December, once the Board of Selectmen conclude their discussion. The Finance <br /> Committee is interested in the properties as a good generating revenue for the Town. We need to <br /> fmd out about the insurance to carry on the properties. It was noted that liability starts with <br /> conveyance. Bob Cobuzzi will follow up and try to get Falmouth's EDIC budget for next time. <br /> Rene and Robyn will work on a draft of an EDIC budget. <br /> Next meetings for the year are: November 18, and December 2"a. <br /> The meeting d'o d at 6:40 p.m. <br /> Mary(' I horpe, Rec ding Secretary <br />