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7 <br /> _/may <br /> MASEPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 18, 2008 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Rene Read, Mary LeClair, Bob Cobuzzi, Robyn Simmons, Terrie Cook. <br /> Joe Noonan opened and chaired the meeting at 6:15 p.m. <br /> The Minutes of October 21, 2008 were moved and approved unanimously. <br /> Rene led a discussion regarding the grant award meeting with Stephanie Ostopovich and Leslie <br /> Richardson from the County. Rene, Bob Cobuzzi, and Joe Noonan attended this meeting. We <br /> will stay in touch with them to talk about pre-permitting. They will help us with the draft of the <br /> Economic Development strategic plan in about six to eight months. This was a good first step to <br /> meet with them. <br /> Our group also met with Dan Dray, and his group, including Andy Karmac. Mary LeClair was <br /> also at this meeting. The questions raised received clear answers. Robyn Simmons is confident <br /> that the grant money is most likely forthcoming. <br /> We received the grant application and guidelines from Dan Dray via a-mail: Rene filled it out <br /> along with a cover sheet. Joe Noonan and Rene will review the application and send it along to <br /> all the members. <br /> Joe Noonan suggested that we send thank you letters to all the helpful participants from the <br /> County. <br /> The RFP Draft/Contractual services of an Economic Development Consultant was distributed <br /> and a few changes were added. The 2.6 acre parcel is "to be" conveyed to the Mashpee EDIC. <br /> Money has not yet been allocated for insurance. Bob Walsh suggested that FDIC members <br /> review the RFP and get their comments back soon. Joe Noonan and Rene will try to wrap things <br /> up with the RFP. <br /> Mary LeClair stated that there is$400,000 in the License Plate Grant Program each year. The <br /> County Grant Committee meets the first Thursday of the month,December a being the next <br /> meeting. <br /> A discussion about Boston Concession's interest in the Industrial Park occurred. The Committee <br /> thought it best to have two to three people meet with the group privately, not in a public meeting. <br /> Joyce Mason could be invited to join in the discussion. Joe Noonan, Bob Walsh, Rene, Joyce <br /> and Terrie Cook could meet with them. Bob Cobuzzi volunteered to be a substitute fill-in. Rene <br /> will confirm a date with Jim Vaccaro to meet. <br /> The Guide for Business brochure was circulated among the members. It needs an update. The <br /> Sheriff s office has state of the art printing capacity for the cover. Also, the Future Business <br /> Leaders of America at the high school could be a resource. Carol Riley is the contact there. <br />