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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> APRIL 7, 2009 <br /> Present: Rene Read,Robyn Simmons, Terrie Cook., Joe Noonan, Bob Cobuzzi. <br /> Rene opened the meeting at 6:05 p.m. in the Selectmen's Boardroom. <br /> The Minutes of January 6, 2009 were approved unanimously. <br /> Boston Concessions: Rene reported there has been no response since the initial meeting in <br /> January. Rene ivill call Jim Vaccaro to see if there is any further interest from this group. <br /> MMR Diversification Plan: Consultants were hired on a fact-finding mission to pursue options <br /> for residential and/or commercial development on the military base. They are mainly doing a <br /> demographics study. They interviewed Rene and Tom Fudala to get their insights. Rene will <br /> forward the materials from this meeting to any members interested. Tom Fudala is preparing a <br /> response. Tom can provide a guideline on zoning and the Regional Policy Plan. They will <br /> prepare a report on the uses for the base after they conclude their study. Some questions were <br /> raised as to what is the miliary's responsibility to the Town? Is there a chance they might return <br /> the land to the Town? This will be a future Agenda item, to understand what we can or cannot <br /> do. <br /> Board Membership: Rene has advertised to fill the vacancy on the Board. There will be an <br /> update at the next meeting. <br /> _Green Community: Rene will invite Assistant Town Planner Tom Mayo to the next meeting on <br /> April 21 st to discuss how to become a green community. Some of the green industries are wind <br /> towers, solar panel businesses, etc. Being certified as a green community may have financial <br /> rewards. <br /> Future Amen da: EDIC needs to come up with an agenda for the next six months. Rene will poll <br /> the two absent members for their input. Rene suggested we might want to do some collaboration <br /> with Falmouth EDIC and Sandwich EDIC in coming up with a development program. We can <br /> apply for grants as a collaborative;there were collaborative efforts to mitigate the base <br /> contamination. <br /> Wrap Up: Rene will: Call Jim Vaccaro to follow-up on the interest of Boston Concessions, <br /> keep tabs on the base and the RPP, recruit an EDIC board member, invite Tom Mayo to the next <br /> meeting to speak on going green, work on a collaboration with Sandwich and Falmouth for a <br /> development project. <br /> Next Meeting: April 21". The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. <br /> Mary G lsthorpe, Reco ding Secretary <br />