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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> APRIL 21, 2009 <br /> Present: Rene Read, Terrie Cook,Joe Noonan, Mary LeClair, Bob Cobuzzi. <br /> Also: Peter White,Brian Kehrl(Enterprise), TomMayo. <br /> Joe Noonan opened the meeting at 6:10 p.m. in Conference Rm. 2. <br /> The Minutes of April 7, 2009 were moved by Rene, Joe seconded, unanimous. <br /> Green Communities: Tom Mayo gave a presentation on the benefits/criteria to participate in the <br /> Green Community Program through the Department of Energy. Some of the ways to participate <br /> are: (1)use fuel efficient vehicles, (2)record and track energy useage, (3) find renewable and <br /> alternative energy companies like solar, biomass, wave study who can provide R&D and <br /> manufacturing, (4)obtain"As-of-Right Siting" status. Any of the EDIC lots in the Industrial <br /> Park might be a potential site as long as it meets the criteria for R&D and/or manufacturing. <br /> Rene noted that EDIC would not want to be limited to only green industries. The Board of <br /> Selectmen will have to approve this venture,and we will need a site. There is SlOm <br /> appropriated across the State for those participating in this project. <br /> Boston Concessions:Rene contacted Tun Vaccaro to see if there is any further interest from this <br /> group. It appears that they did not think EDIC was interested in them. FDIC's suggestion at the <br /> initial meeting was that they look over the property site to see if it meets their needs for their <br /> business and come back with a plan. <br /> Motion: Reach concensus with Boston Concessions. Unanimous. Rene will follow up. <br /> MMR Diversification Plan: Tom Fudala forwarded housing information to the MMR <br /> Consultant. Rene will scan the info and e-mail it to the members. The base will remain <br /> federal/state owned if the military disbands. They cannot return the property to the Town. The <br /> Town can zone it. There is 15,000 acres of national preserve. The Coast Guard is currently <br /> present there. There is talk about putting the jail there. <br /> Old Business:Rene talked to Sandwich Town Manager about a collaborative development <br /> project. Sandwich EDIC is at least one year away since legislation is needed. Our Economic <br /> Development grant application was not awarded, most likely because a more regional approach <br /> was preferred. A sub committee is needed to come up with a strategic plan. Rene and Joe <br /> Noonan will start the process and framework. The only clear task at hand is to market the two <br /> properties in the Industrial Park, <br /> New Business: There is a workshop on May 15`h on working with developers to develop small <br /> sites. It is in Pittsfield, and Rene will call to get their package of materials. Rene and Joe may <br /> be interested in attending. Rene has received a request to participate in a focus group pertaining <br /> to municipalities. It meets May 5'h from 10:30a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the CCC office. Rene will <br /> attend; Mary LeClair will try to be there. <br />