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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORP. MINUTES <br /> JUNE 2,2009 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Bob CobuzzL Mary LeClair, Bob Walsh on teleconference, Terrie Cook, <br /> Brian Kehrl, Mashpee Enterprise. Absent:Rene Read, Robyn Simmons. <br /> Joe Noonan opened the meeting at 6:20 p.m. <br /> Bob Cobuzzi moved the Minutes of May 19,2009 be accepted, Mary LeClair seconded. Motion <br /> passed. Unanimous. <br /> The discussion regarding available grants was tabled to the next meeting when Rene and Robyn <br /> are present. <br /> The Committee discussed the CEDS sixteen priority projects, even though the closing date for <br /> comments was May 29 h. Their overall comment is that these projects are all good, and they <br /> suggest that Mashpee land could be used to achieve some of them. They questioned whether this <br /> would create jabs for existing residents of Mashpee and/or the Cape, or whether the human <br /> resources would be brought in from the outside. If it provided training and jobs to Cape <br /> residents, that would be a good thing. <br /> Boston Concessions has not delivered a reply. It was suggested to send a letter to them to <br /> determine their intent. It may be RFP time. <br /> The Committee would like to take a regional approach to obtain grant funding. Will working <br /> with Falmouth and/or Sandwich be considered regional? What types of projects could we do <br /> with either of these two towns? Bob Walsh noted that we do not have enough land to support a <br /> management structure. We would benefit from working with Falmouth, and we might negotiate <br /> a fee for their services. There will be further discussion on this. We hope to have Falmouth <br /> come to one of our future meetings to discuss the possibilities. <br /> Bob Cobuzzi moved to adjourn, Bob Walsh seconded. Unanimous. Adjourned 6:50 p.m. <br /> Next meeting: June 23`d, 2009. <br /> Mary elsthorpe, Recording Secretary <br />